Saturday, February 8, 2014


Can I just lay here for a few minutes without the world bouncing me like a pink pong ball? Is there a reason I am in the middle of this? What IS the flight speed of an unladen sparrow? Questions I would love to know. Flexing my legs to get them in a better position and putting one arm behind my head feels so much better. One positive thing in this dim tunnel is its...not....raining! Which is good. Now that the little girl has flickered away like touch paper I can see more over me. If I cam correct in my surmise I am in a subway tunnel. And unless the set designers have been super busy this tunnel is in London. Why you ask... hah... Blue circle with a red bar across it. Now if I can make out the station name from my now comfortable position.... O ..

Blazingly interesting day today. I got a nice coffee at starbucks for four times the price it should be but its the one thing I let myself have when I have to get up early on the weekend. Tasty hot if you add a bit more milk. The Albuquerque Aerostat Ascension Association put on the Friends and Lovers rally on Fiesta Park on Saturday and Sunday. Today... being Saturday meant balloons. It was looking bad due to the wind direction. But then it got slightly better. So everyone headed out to the field and put up and launched. It was stunning. There were 92 balloons signed up. That's 70 more than most rally's. It rocked. I took 1200 pictures. Some are totally amazing due to the clear sky over the field and the cold air. Ill post my favorites below.

The Hare.

Crown Handling.

Ph Overhead.

Cast and Crew.

Close Friends.

There are so many to choose from I couldn't decide so I just put these five up. Right from the file. No editing at all.

Then I felt very bad so I had to cut short my visit. I did also get one good video from Bob so I have that going for me.

Here are some links to view while I stare at my unhappy stomach.

An amazing light show. I wish I had time to give to this type of art.

I guess if you like almonds your either going to pay a ton of money or go without..

This cracked me up. I had children like this.

One hilarious movie. Here are some facts that are as good as the movie.

Off to scope more pics out.