Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Black and White

I remember back when I had an art teacher who said… black and white are not colors.. they are tones. They compliment each other. Standing under this awning and keeping out of the slice and dice wind feels good. Brings back fragments like that one. Since the library’s a bust and its stock taking time lets just get out the list. Scratch a mental 1. There and put, hot babe. 2. Touch and go boom!. 3. Papers which are supposed to explain what's going on. 4. Hot babe 5. Someone else is out there not wanting me to find out. 6. Its still raining 7. What the hell do I do now.

In other words, Sade grswe sbbr! Snow! FREAKIN snow in New Mexico! What the hell! Started the truck up this morning and turning the defroster on… then remembering the scraper under my seat hidden away all summer long. Pulling it out and scraping the ice off the windshield I can reach. Darn truck is high and so there is a foot of snow / ice I can reach in the middle of the windshield. Cleared the wipers. Jumped back in the still cold seat. Once enough was cleared It was a normal run to work. The roads were perfectly clean.. almost dry in places. No loonies so no problem getting in. Twas a quiet day and the work to be done was of the sort and run and do type. Nothing hard except trying to reroute phone calls into the office. I sat there for a while trying to figure out what I had to do. I had done it before but that was almost a year ago… It took a bit. I still have to figure out the pointer. Other things to do but I did not feel well enough to stay late chasing it down. Perhaps tomorrow.

I did some more editing of the pictures that I took over the weekend. Some different views and maybe two polar to show what it looks like in between. One of these is so impressive in its coloration. Also the body style is impressive in its curves and swoops and the delicate balance there is without screaming it out loud or being a Barbie stick it in your face thing… you will see what I say….

Onwards! Mush!

 Matchbox creation. Up close it looks beat.

 Polared logo. Lots of dust and speckles around it.

 Wide and straight.

 Another pretty car with dust all over. You can see the orange in the logo.

The bleed came out pretty nice

Tbird sloe.

Shapes and Curves
 Like a beautiful sultry woman.. lines, curves, shapes.

Lots more to go through. It was a target rich environment.

Its funny how much news is coming out of England. Very practical and out of the box thinkers.

This was so smart its amazing.


Fresh veggies right down town where they are needed. No travel time.

Okay, read this first then read my thoughts.


If you are paying for a room and it has no porthole nor windows.. Why not just move into one of the rooms in your house and hang a bunch of displays up with the sea out them. Nice views and you can get good food too. Without the sickness and possible drowning.

Another from the green land.. Not as good this time.


I say that if the owner isn't living there nor keeping it up it goes to the local trust and used for homeless or needed people. If its not being kept up at all.. Its removed and reused. Go England Go. Kick out these millionaire squatters that are like wood lice in the walls.

Hilarious! Tweak the system.


So funny!  Im off to make some smiles and find some foods.