Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Short and Sweet

Its going to be just that tonight. It was a long day. Not as long as most and not anywhere as bad but very disjointed.

Starting things and not getting to finish them really sucked. A couple of things that were bad and then good. Bad.... purchasing video cameras that are crap from China. Spending all the time trying to get them to work to my avail. Good... watching half way to training programs and being very interested in them. Nice.... really... Bad... not reading things or seeing as clearly as I should... Good.. only took moments to correct that error. Bad.. system fail right before quitting time and then just when it seemed it was working failed again... Good... Spending time with great people correcting the errors and the created errors.... very much fun. Hope it stays working. It even made the commute home smooth.

Not unbroken by noodle heads.. just smoother... Layla was on.. very nice... also some Fleetwood Mac. Since the traffic was pretty dead stop most of the way whipped out the phone and shot what was happening.

Take a number...move ahead... take a number... move ahead...

Streaky sky trees. Much reflection and blue but that's me.. I was dead still.

I believe I have the wrong location for the party...Just sitting there...

About 40 minutes to get home... right before I could get there... rain drops.

Looking forward to training tomorrow at my own pace.. it should be very nice and quiet. I got a good 7 hours in the last time but it was broken by two conference calls. Tomorrow.. one call.... a good thing.

Facebook banner and logo for the day...

Find the number...

A lovely sign I never got a real good shot of.. I HAVE to go find it again and redo it cleanly.

Salutations and good... NIGHT!