Thursday, July 16, 2015

Re onions

Re-unions.... But Ill get back to that.

First off on the list.. The commute was amazing today! simply amazing. Granted it was walk from the bed room to the computer room it was completely classic.

Instead of the killer trip across town and a gallon of gas I was sitting at my computer at fifteen to six, coffee in hand clearing work email. Sent email that were necessary, then hooked up to our training center to take a course on property responsibility. Too bad it failed to give me my certificate after I finished the course... Even when I went and took it again it refused to give me anything.. so I screenshot the completion page and I will send that off to them to get credit. Wow! That took a while.

After that I got more coffee and went through seven sections of training which was very good. It was good training and good info. Lots more to go. I would have done more but I had a online meeting that was followed up by a phone conference. After that it was clear up the mail that came in during that time and closed out about three pm. I even forgot to eat lunch I was so into it all. THe commute home or to the house was quick and quiet. I can get into this teleworking thing. I mixed work into some training and got a lot done.

There are some things impossible to do from home but that all centers around physically doing things in the office. I can do travel, training, time and attendance and property and also monitor things from home.. if set up for that.. which I will soon. I have more things to do and I will try and do a day of telework every other week until I set up my one on one training. Then I will have to do more days than one every two weeks. To get the same training without doing it from the house it would cost about three times as much or more. I am all for saving money and I hate wasting money that can be better spent on other important things... especially if there is a way around it....which there is. Yay me.

I hit some more sets of shots just now. Two more... No more after this. Just to let you see the movements.

Off they go... Very hard to clean these up since the sun was right behind them. Enchanted Diamonds is off...

Squawk overhead! Watch out for the beak! Love these sets.. so nice and colorful.

Reunions.. There is a reunion for my school in England........ In Vegas.... Right now......
I maybe know one or two people and one of those is my brother... I really don't remember anyone but those two.... I dont know why.. Its pretty much a closed off spot in my memory. I mean I have yet to go to my High school reunion... again.. few people who would be there I would be interested in even if they were there... again.. one or two people I would know or want to spend time with... I guess I know which friends I knew from botht that I want to talk to and I talk to them. Id go to Vegas for In and Out burgers... buth then what would I do... more pictures of the lights? Not in this heat.. nope.

Been there done that already.. got a nice sun burn then too. I could go back sometime in November or January.. New Years might be fun if its booked real early... Well .. nevermind.. I will see how that one friend does and hear what they think. Have fun!

Facebook banner and logo for the day...

A nice subdued day....


And Im out. Everything ready for work "at" work tomorrow. Cant I just telework tomorrow too?

No.. I have some things to clear away in preparation of a quantification... and I want to get that certificate for the training I did... I might eve get some other work done. Training.. hah! No.. too many distractions in the office. I need that door.