Tuesday, July 21, 2015

777 posts

Might just be a good number to stop this blog on.

Its a bit far but it might just work. It fits my sense of balance.

Not that there is any balance anywhere anyhow.

Its pretty much hard work to write now.

I could talk about the massive idiot that almost died and took me with him when exiting the highway yesterday..

Or the confused and piecemeal instructions that are daily in my job...

I could even go on a rant about the stupidity of the voting public around me... but its all a waste of typing.

I am looking for something to be happy about and yes I know I should be bloody happy but that's not the happy I am talking about.

Never mind.

There were a few things on the net that I thought worth mentioning...

The Apple watch isn't doing well..... Nor is any watch either... We as a group are past things on our wrists that tell time even if they do blow kazoos up you arse. The Windows Surface 3 isn't doing well either.... but I am not sure that is a big a deal. We will see when win 10 hits.

Ill post this as I am truly tired of children..of all ages...


There was another thing on more hidden bunkers in England... Woopeee.....

Oh and one on updating your windows computer due to another hack found.... Joy!

I did take a few pictures as I shuttled from office to office downtown since the people in neither office knew who I should be paying.... I kid you not... Yes.. we sent that notice.. but we don't know where you pay... do you have cash? Bite ME! Give you cash... You cant count!

Simulated Glee
 I don't know why nor who but it was eerie... cheer with no people but two or three.

Better Days
 How I feel about now.. Tattered, torn.. abused.

Park it!
The one thing I do like about the plaza.. An elevator that opens up into the outside. Its like showers outside.. or toilets in the middle of fields.... Clean too...

And that was my day... You aren't supposed to start a sentence with "and" but I don't need no rules.

Facebook banner and logo.... weee......

Hide the numbers..... Not too hard.. Limits.

Duality of it is nice....

And six pictures.. cant have six pictures....

Think about it.