Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Class act.

I really love taking multiple shots when things are just right. I have a set of five shot runs of specific balloons and all of them are very nice. I should.. should edit them all and post all of them in a row....


I had good thoughts today on stopping and taking some pictures of something OTHER than balloons from this weekend but as I also wanted to stop at the store and pick up a few things only to find out I had left wallet at home.. well it was more important to get home and verify that I had indeed left the wallet there and not just plain lost it somewhere. That would have been bad. I didnt.. it was sitting on my bookshelf. Not where it should have been but it was there none the less.

Commute today was nicely normally quiet. Eyesight sucks.. memory is sucking worse. Ability to process sucks worse than that. Not real time to process anything. Ah well.. its always a fire sale at work every day. Even if it seems minor it is what happens... and not just to me... Props to the guys at work. They were on it all also. From updates to fuses to cameras to climbing walls... to leaving drop ceiling stuff on my desk.. hahahaa... I was faster than they were.. and cleaned it up first.. It was nice that they busted butt running cable in the roof. I really really like the folks I work with. ":O)

Oh.. so there I go..... I did get off on time.. it was a close thing.... LOL... but since I forgot the wallet and couldn't stop for pics I made it home.. killed fire ants... and then set up the computer room so I can work from home. Its all set up..connected up and running. The only problem I ran into was a microsoft situation that microsoft created.. dumb. Fixed... still dumb. Oh yes... pictures....

 Following the white line.

Its a race!
 Bikes are winning.

Hot Stuff.
 All that hot air trying to get out the open top of the envelope. Its kinda stuck.

I can see the strings!
Fred's drifting along the Sandias.. the tram lines behind him almost make it look like it is attached.

The first shot is one of the set I have that are so cool because of a couple of things... 1.. the people are super cool... 2. The balloons lined up just so nicely...3..... Balloon Museum in the background... very cool.

Yup.. fun times...

Facebook banner and logo..... had to think about this one....

 Sid Cutters awesome building.. Pilot center... Loved the windows and the reflections.. I was talking to a good friend about how cool the photographs will be from slightly tot he right of this one with the windows being wider and the launching balloons reflected in those windows... too bad I will be flying and won't be able to get those shots... Two people.... need to be two people.

Rocking the licence plate today... not on my car.. but the wifes... she has the prize... LOL.

Off and off and off to do some other things to get stuff put away and set up.... have to connect the xbox back to my main screen. See... even with reinstalling the computer room its still a guest room during Fiesta. Both can coexist until after or longer. Depending.

It works.. and it has space without taking over the whole room. nice and comfy for guests too.