Thursday, July 23, 2015


Its a sea cow.. How can you mistake it as a sea bunny... Look at that face!


An expansive and constructive a day/and I could have stayed later but just had to get a few things done... and done they did.

I also missed the great internet loss of 15 which happened at around 4pm at the office. I guess I will hear the tales of it tomorrow... people starving.. zombie plagues... sour milk... its gonna be gristly.

No Common Scents.... yeah.... I may have to stop in there this weekend. Says it has a soda fountain.

Nothing much to report today.... Though it was interesting looking at server specs is a little bit yawning. I mean its all cool and neat but when they go from 700 bucks to over 2K with the flick of a finger on the ..upgrade processor bit.. well it gets exhausting. Just give me the middle of the group.... I'm not trying to do brain surgery with it! Tomorrow I will find out about that too. Plus set up for two other computers and some nicks.. and a few knacks. Maybe a door. Probably a door. I never thought to ask if that door will have a lock on it.. Must remember to ask about that.

I was looking for a shot I could use for my facebook banner that I could hide the numbers in and came across some dark shots... as I am in a dark mood ...I processed them through photomatix... yes... stupid breaking bad is one shot location.. sorry, I took the shot before they used it.

 I liked the roiling clouds behind it really.

 Not really. He did wander back and forth but he is part of a group of panhandlers working this area.

Volcano's in the sky.
 Unretouched actual photograph of volcano's. WOW!

Compressing Values.
A little tiny bit of suburbia....

I keep hitting the wrong keys due to my bad posture. Okay.. good posture but bad distance and angle to the keyboard. I moved my secondary xbox into the computer room so if the need to play gets too great I can play without disturbing the general television addicts.

Facebook banner from the set...

A toughy tonight.


Read a good book by Zelazny called road-marks about a highway or things.. fun book. Weird but fun.

When you get off the you really know where you are getting off? Yawn.. of course in your local place of residence its all ... been there done that....

Met a guy today who has lived here all his life but had never gotten off on the ramp heading to where I work.. he was amazed at what was there. Its all rather boring to me but I see it twice a day on weekdays and sometimes on weekends....

Time for another drive to VEGAS... sometime.....

Woops.. sea cows....

Mooooo moo mooo....