Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Car ful cuttings

Santa Fe has the nick name "The City Different" Or some such thing like that.... Albuquerque creates its one weirdness but not as out there in the field of cow pies like Santa Fe does. Albuquerque can be related to in as "The City with a Tude" Everywhere you can put your eyes on has something that you probably would only find in Albuquerque. Below are some shots of one of the scratch your head.. ponder.. and then walk away with that.. well I guess if you want to kinda thought...

This is one spot.. There are many more. I will see if I can get some shots of the others or find them in my files. There are a lot of tiled pieces like the above and below. There are also some that defy understanding... and I have driven by them and just rubbed my temples and gasped at the money spent and given to these "Artists" for this stuff. Okay.. yes some are worth it kinda.. but a few.. damn!

One looks like a bunch of pikes to ward off invaders. Another looks like a wash tub of shined metal...  Gosh I love how quirky this town is. Ill see about quantifying the sights and locations so when you are in town you can enjoy your selves by finding them and scratching YOUR head at each.

 Sky tuba.
 Looking right up. it would have been much nicer with clouds but you get what you get.

Rippling on the run.
 The texture of the tile as well as the way it blends as it goes up towards the car is very ncie.

Happy Face.
All those times that needed to be cut ( title HAH! ) Bet it took quite a while.

Full view of the upper edit. Its very hard to get a good shot of this because of the trees and powerlines and then there is the traffic... The best place for the nicest shot is right in the middle of the intersection. Good luck with that. Its and off side four way lighted six lane and two lane road section.

Okay here is a link to the information on this Chevy On A Stick.. What stick? Chevy on Launch maybe...

Go figure...

Other than that... had my pond worked on. THe girl who came was not ready for the mint that had taken over. She also had to quit early due to lightning in the close area. Not a good thing to be standing hip deep in a pond while lightning is around. So... partial cleaning. I have to do the rest or pay for them to come back and finish. I dunno... maybe I will.. maybe I wont.. My back is shot jsut from cutting down the choya. It was so wild that it took about three hours to clear it down to a stump about 7 inches wide. At one point when I was hacking away it flung a four inch "branch" into my chest.. where is stuck in my skin. Love having to pull cacti out of my flesh while holding a saw.

Good that I bought some aleve and took it early. Now hoping I can move in the morning. If not... well.. I have leave saved up. I do think I could put together a new filter box quickly and then just drop the pump in it and submerge it. I could get my son to pull it up and then all I have to do is wash the pump off then drop it in.. Sounds doable. I will have to see how I feel .. cause right now its all talk and a lot of pain.

Oh.. ran across this which I thought was terribly funny and at point something myself and our ITO was talking about the other day..


And... this is going to be awesome too... Go Fox Go!

Time for more meds for the back...

Here is my facebook banner and Logo.. all on the car on a Steeek!

 I like its smily face.

And I liked this also so had to use it again... Its on that same web site as the car is above.
I remember when he had the Axe.

Strange days.... another storm this afternoon and more coming.... so much water...