Saturday, July 4, 2015

4th of July Independant Flying

Heh! It was nice and awesome. I will go on about it in a moment but first.... lol... Was online in facebook when my favorite Author posted about a short ( hah ) story ( long really ) he had just wrote for Subterranean.... I posted about tracking down, then killing your family's killer ( in a way ) how most stop short and either that person gets killed anyways or they let them go. My thoughts were if you consider your soul then if you were to kill that killer he is getting one last assault in by damning your soul... I am not sure you would as there is the eye for an eye thing.. its very convoluted but Tim came back with more thought provoking things... and its a Holiday and I shouldn't have to think and now I am thinking.. so ... pretty cool but pretty frustrating as I need more input. I know Priests but should I bother them with this. Not that I expect this to be necessary but well its interesting.. I could talk to the Dad... he might have some insight... I will try and remember it next time we have time to chat.

So ..... onto the ballooning..

For a fourth it was nice and awesome! We did have to get up terribly early and be out at the first before the sun cracked the edge or the mountain but there was coffee to be had and that made it nice.

We lined up nose to the NorthWest. Getting out of the truck I could tell the winds were up there. No kidding.. I passed a couple of flags on the way and they were laying down. So what the heck. We watched and the winds did come down and we inflated and rocked out. It was a good time with a new passenger. She got a good ride with lots of different heights. We did have a slight bump or two on landing but the winds had come up and no way we were going to find smooth ground... so a bounce and a bounce and stood up. Crew were there quickly and we put her down and packed it up. A hoot. Got some pictures and a lot of video. As soon as I finish here I will start editing another friends video. The first one came out nicely so I have high hopes.... below are some of the other shots I took... Not all by far.... just interestingly different...

Hot inflate that baby!
 You can see in this shot the hard bottom of my basket. If you have been watching the blog you would have seen the basket bottoms and how they are made. I chose a hard bottom because of the volcanic rock where I fly. It tears up whicker. If I needed a new floor it would be more expensive.

Passenger Aboard.
 Getting into the basket with the taller top bolster makes it harder to get in but safer while in the sky.

A beautiful park.
 We could never land there at the speed we were going but darned if all that grass looked soft.

 Kinda a missed track.... This school I flew low over when I first flew my new racer. Not getting there and not landing there. I did fly exactly where I expected to fly but didn't get as much of a push East and landed early because it was pretty nice and getting funky out.

201 degrees.
We launched and it was 75 degrees out and it was wet... humid. We had lots of fun and did some rotations but the winds were coming up and I thought it was better to make it a nice landing than push it over the road.  Flytec sensors do not have any cables going upward. Its all RF>

My facebook banner for the day was my friend Roberts flag. He launched next to us today. He had a good flight too.

Happy 4th to you all.

Going to sit in my chair and edit Erics video and listen to the fireworks. Ye HAW!