Thursday, July 9, 2015


Yeah.. California wishes!

Beside the point of South Ca over growing into the desert then wondering why there is no water... their refusal to use recycled water, their foolishness at not building desalinization plants... they.. Dude..whatever attitude until there is a long dry section of weather... well.. Gee... Next they will be getting massive rain storms... then lightning and then fires.. and all we will hear is complaints. LOL. As an Ex So Cal person I can put it down on .. well digital paper!. Dudes need to ease up on the building and overpricing. Yes.. we still would rather you not move here and cause prices to go nuts here too... thanks.

All that above because we are having on and off torrential rain storms. Wow.. last night .. thrashing.. this afternoon.. tip the bucket and it all came down. My pond was the same level as the water covering the back yard! So much that except for the ring of rocks there was no difference in the levels.. Wow. I tried to take some pictures with my phone camera but it was too diffused with all the rain falling. Tried the 50 mm DSLR but it was still so much rain that it was hard to lock in on anything... But I did get some shots... I een braved being drenched to check on my envelope. It was fine. But still I worried.

Here is a before and after of the pond. The mint got totally out of control.. THe choya got out of control.. my neighbours stupid trees seedlings got totally out of control... Most of its cleaned up now... The pond still needs to be cycled and the fish need to be taken out and the punp filter box needs to be replaced... Looks like my weekend is full again... but here.. Look..

Lots more mint to pull out due to the winner who owned my house before me not boxing it and just planting it in the ground... it has sadly taken over everything. This is one of the main reasons why I have to close the pond and change it to an above ground version.. I cannot kill the mint without killing everything else. That and its too much work to pull the filter up and out. Easier to just over a lip.

Lily land.

Low shot of the ponds huge lily with my cell phone. Its so big that it couldn't be split now due to losing all the shade the pads are giving. Has to wait too. Wait wait wait.

I have the idea of just getting a bobcat.. going back and pulling out the nice huge rocks and then back filling the pond and at the same time drop the ground level against the back side of the house by about 6 inches. Its not too bad now but it would help a bit. Then I could re-rock the whole bit better and maybe put a cement pad for a gazebo next to the new above ground pond. I can use some of the big rocks as features around the container and then put my cacti into pots and that would protect them against weed killing spray. Its a plan.

You will note that the massive choya is gone... its not quite gone.. There is a little one at the corner of the section and that is what I am going to replant in a nice pot along with the little barrel cactus family I saved a long time ago.. it was a almost dead little thing and now it's a family...

I have a nice pancake cactus I saved from near death at the Santa Fe airport that I replanted and its thriving too. It will go in it's own pot. Maybe a little higher with a bit of white picket fence.. NI!

Its easy to get carried away.... but its at least and Idea that is easily reachable in the next six months.

I learned a lot more about the Venus De Lumberjack guy I posted the last two days. From my good friend Mark... It was built in the 70s and burned down.. they rebuilt it and then it burned again I thing and then.. then someone tore the arms off... what a life it's had.

Then I saw this!

Which cracked me up!

And I also had to go down to our local metal shop to have some brackets made and saw this behind me....

I have to put a card up there tomorrow when I go pick up my stuff.....

My facebook banner and logo for the day... A bad shot that turned out nicely with a little tone mapping. The original was so dark it was useless... now its nice..


This spoke to me to say.. what.. caution. false lift is around.. LOL....

Okay.. enough of that for the night.....