Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Lonely Road

Warmth all over what I would presume my back and neck. Comfort, contentment, peace... wow peace! It's almost as if I can feel the beams coursing through and touching places I never knew existed. I could stay here forever, not like I have much of a choice. Some feeling of gates opening or more like a cameras aperture sliding slowly open on areas of conscious I thought past or did think past. Funnily it reminds me of those fun house mirror rooms that you walk through banging into the clear or mirrors walls until you slip sideways through an opening. Mmm... interesting..... Hahahaha...

Hairball!  It was a hairball of a day. One... thing... after...another.... and...  nothing... was... linked.... Wah!
But darn if it was not a fun thing. I dunno how to explain it other than to say that as convoluted and complicated things were going and in rapid fire way it was interesting and challenging. Now I am waiting for docs to return and that will make me happy. I also did a bunch of calculations and that was fun.

I have to run off a look at photos to see what I want to post up. I know everyone is taking pictures of the moon but ... well... yawn.... I cant get low and close nor make a shot up that would be... damn.. I just thought of one... well there ya go.. when you think you cant figure a new look for a moon shot I come up with an idea of a moon shot.. oh well.. There will be more...

Nara Visa is a singularly novel spot in the middle of absolutely nowhere.


Ferd in the field

Fixer Upper

Little Brother

Every time I visit the area I find something else that is different. I have so many shots of these trucks.. every one different.


What a city needs.... a city gets...

As much as some people have good ideas they just go off the tracks..... because humans are off the tracks.

Just like thinking of breathing.. think of standing.. how you stand.. now you are going to fall down.

As much as I don't care for Garfield... its a thing with me.... perhaps a lost lasagna.... but this is funny!EsXxy

I shall now find things.. man things of vast import.... or just read a good email and smile.....