Saturday, April 5, 2014


Waiting for the words to show back up there shows little dots floating here and there. What that means is anyone's guess and I wouldn't hazard it but I can ask. "Booklet! What are you doing"! Large letters form,    L   A   U   G   h   I    n G.... "You are not emanating as much as you are doing what every human does in its short lifetime, you produce an electrical field that can be sensed if you know how"... Wondering who has the power to do such a thing and why would they be tracking people? Watching the page, characters drop to the bottom of the page I ask another question hoping I will get an answer I can understand. " Alright, why would someone want to track me? Why would they be able to locate me from every other human in the world"? So many why's!

Laying back on a Saturday in the morning was very nice. I did some major thinking of minor things. What I was going to do today I did during the week and I have to evaluate information before a move forward on anything else. I did look up corrugated roofing. I could not find a transition from shingle roof to corrugated. I have a nice covered patio but it was not made well. It has very little pitch and the roof was never level. There are dips and where there are dips that is where the water pools and then gets through the tar paper that the previous owner slapped on. Nice. So I want to cover it with good corrugated metal with skylights. I may have to lift the beam off the posts and then chop the posts down by two inches and reattach it. That would give me a better pitch. Told ya, Major about minor.

Oh the photography scene, many plans. I plan on going to the neon graveyard in Las Vegas at the beginning of the year and shoot as many shots as I can. I want enough of a file that I can work the shots any way I want to in the next year. That and I have to get a Sandia's shot sometime. It has to be just right weather wise and air wise that its impossible to just go up the top of the hill and shoot. I keep watching for clear days with some clouding. Its tough. I do want to pass on that I got myself a very nice side table. Its a Sauder particle board cabinet. It looks like it has a short drawer and a large drawer below that but it opens on sliders on the top and there is space for a computer and misc other electronic items and slides closed and its secure. The bottom drawer is like a half file cabinet that I am using for speakers and storage. I have to work on the cables some to get it just right but very nice. Extremely heavy though. I am going to get some big wheels so I can roll it around. What I did quickly today is more wider shots for multiple monitor backgrounds. More later.


Links now.

Yeah, no! I do not like high winds and in a plane this is knarley!

Can we do this "real world"?

Love hedgehogs? They are cute but not going to get one.. nope.

We are close to never having to communicate face to face... next step here...

Im off to order groceries!