Thursday, April 10, 2014


Friend as in friend friends or partner or accomplice? "I have questions....." The book just sits there. Alright its in my hands, just laying there keeping them warm. Hah! Let me see if I can ask you questions without tripping your insanity circuit." "One, What did I call you? Where are You , the You not the book? What could you posit are reasons I would remove my memory? How did I go about it? When did this happen? How long have I been a drifter in this sodden flap jack world?" Answer what you can and ignore the ones you cant.... Ill be right here."

With all things there must be some pain. Without some pain what is pleasure? My pain today is that I had my whole blog written then deleted it. It was good. Now I cant decide to try and rebuild it from my spotty memory or go from scratch. So far scratch is winning out. Work today was mostly doing travel for our staff. Other than that I had a bunch of calls and emails about other travel hiccups. I did get written down a quick list and also a minimum needs list in case we are on the skids for funds. I have three backup plans. We are so far ahead of most other offices. I like it that way but really do hate waiting.

I ran across some shots I colorized. They are nice. I will post some below. Nothing very amazing, just life as it goes by... I like life. Even with all its quirks and crazyness. I did some deep thinking on the way to work and back today. Put your soda down. So, here is what I thought. Is this all there is? If as I have read ( humorously ) that we are souls encased in a physical form... are we attached voluntarily or are we just shoved in. As there some place elsewhere where we hang out and decided that its a tad boring so let go play human? Or is there nothing at the end of our bag of carbons lifetime. Or... Is there a weighing? Or is it just out of one body into another? You can go round and round. Probably while we are here we just have no referent to encase the thought. It may just be too freaking deep for us to fathom. Earthworms to colors.


The pictures...

Original Size!


Turn to clear vision

Shadows in the sky

Fixer Upper

Big because its awesome that way.

Now to the basic links.. Ill try to keep it light today....

This is basically why I laugh so much.... consider this happening all the time. One from my past is.... I had a boss who wanted me to put pennies across the fuse holders in a bank of scissor switched power banks to get ht e power back to some critical equipment. After explaining about five times how bad that was and that if he waited a moment we could bring everything back up in segments... well.. it was a long night.

This is why I never step foot in a gym. Its bad enough I have to foray into Walmart.

Be the camera! Right time, right place, great film!

Lastly.... I do adhere to the axiom of save the environment. Not at the cost of humans but with it as the first point after.... and those humans batter have a good reason. Tiny fish in a river that have existed, disappear and reappeared again is not a reason.. Tiger's are a reason.. And I think Animals understand that most of us are there for them and only a few are idiots.

Id say hug a tiger but its not good to let them get too friendly.. they usually start bringing bunny friends along with them.. then you have a house of bunnies and tigers and then what are you going to do?