Sunday, April 20, 2014


Blackness, white, black, white, blue, blue, gray, green! Grass! View from the level of sitting on a grassy knoll, warm sun and cordite. Vision forward and not wavering. Vehicles, gone. Gray skies,smells of molding hay, looking up, bombers overhead, Heinkel's comes to mind. Flash, gone, In the surf, sea again, out about thirty feet feet from the shore. Bathers are splashing around in the waves slopping onto the sandy beach, not a piece of cloth in sight, Shapely and very hmmmm... hah..outgoing. White buildings on the hills going up from the shore. Not a sign of contrails from bombers nor of power lines. There are a few people walking along the low path wearing white toga styled outfits. Dark smoke is coming from a few chimneys bringing the smell of.... fish and bread.. Hungry...

A quiet Easter with a massive sinus headache and virus. Yay! But I did get some shots on the way back from the pharmacy so that was a positive. Zero sleep is interesting until you try to stand up. I spent most of the day in chair editing. I watched Looper last night. Funny how there is a beautiful pocket watch in it. Funny how they couldn't get it right. It all crashed at the end. Good work by the actors and actresses. I did enjoy that and the story was good.  The error was in continuity. It could have been fixed with about five extra minutes.

The shots I got in a very short time taxed me and filled my sneakers with powder puff dust. Over the edge of the escarpment. Too bad it was gunky in the air. I also stopped at the bottom of the hill and took some shots of the street signs at Montano and Unser. I then came back to the house and edited like a crazy sick guy. I was irritated that the builders of crappy houses have set up to the very edge of the petroglyph area. Nice! So now what was a hill that you could walk up and look at the glyphs will no soon be overshadowed by ugly replica houses. Blah!

A few of the edits.

Montano and Unser
 Turned out sweet.

Limited Lilac

Wyoming 4500 NE
 Another good one.

Escarpments Vista
This is a small version. The regular size is 64 meg.

All fun when you don't feel like fun.

Some links.... Different but interesting. Where you normally find mostly garbage and goofy stuff some nice things....and funny things.

Reality in advertising.

Live stream from the space station.. sweet!

Cool and unusual....

And at last.. The one thing I didn't expect to find on Imgur.

And with that I bid you good day..... Good day I say!