Saturday, April 26, 2014

Dirt Bombs

And into crowds of brightly costumed people, Men, women, children in what look like knee length shorts and baggy brightly colored shirts with lilies and other strange orchids... and hats... baseball hats I think. Cotton candy again and dogs dipped in .. oh... corn dogs! Most everyone ignores as I go past them but some children seem to catch me as I glide past. No child at my side anymore and I am wearing some sort of glasses that are dark in the bright sun. The noise is deafening! The smell of bananas and coconut and oil are heavy in the air too. I spy a familiar shaped face and my view moves forward.Just in front of the couple the view shifts to the right and zooms into the distance and I can pick out a rifle scope..... oh joy!

Nice day of resting and cards at the brothers. It was fun and for unknown reasons I wont that game at last. Pure luck of the cards. Its a fun game and creative thinking is needed. There are times that you wont get to play one card and another player is out and there is also times when you will have to keep trying to get a set of cards for three hands.... its nuts but fun. Books and Runs. Home now and writing up today's blog. We talked about all sorts of different things and ended up with authors, Tim Powers, Diana Gabildron and Martin, also how poorly our schools are teaching our children. Sadness.

Forget taking photographs today. The winds are so high that we are getting dust or dirt bombs. Which is dust mixed with sporadic rain showers. Fun huh! So no, no way am I taking my camera out in that. Nope. We talked about going to the Neon Graveyard in Las Vegas but after reading their limitations on what I can do with the shots you take. For the amount to go in at 75 dollars I expect to use the shots I take and do whatever I want. So as my august friend stated, I can get a bottle of very good scotch for that amount. We will probably go to the first casino and sit and have some very nice drink.. He will, I will have something non alcoholic as I do not drink but rarely and never anything straight because I cant stand the taste even though I love the smell.... and then we will shoot the neon outside or inside. It will be more fun and we can do whatever the heck we want with our shots. Below is me trying to work with layers and lights at the same time as polars. Some work.. some just don't....




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Still trying to get it right.

Links for tonight.

I downloaded 4 of these. Nicest is the opera browser for ipad.

Interesting if a little long.

I wonder what else... and how much.

Sad but true. Don't do the crime and you wont do the time...with rap.

There was one on what to do about old files and lost files and over copied files.. but I am in denial.