Tuesday, April 22, 2014

In your back yard.

Hay! I didn't get any of that Delicious food to eat! Blast and Damn! White, gray, white, blue, brown river rushing past my eyes. Turbulent and fast flowing left to right. The bank across in mottle with purple volcanic rock and dry scrub and some other barely green pointy plants. Inhospitable. Okay, move view.... why am I stuck staring at this.... boring! Oh! Sound! Rushing water...weee..... great. Talking behind me. Voices clearing. A man and a woman arguing over the land behind me. It would seem now that they are trying to figure out who owns it and if they will be able to keep it. Turning slowly now, vision is moving around and there are a few quite dead people on the ground further out. Soldiers in dusty blue. Horses and horse smell and more damn gunpowder smells hit me. Woman, old, well no, not old as used up...the man no better, bent over a bit with a silly very wide brimmed hat on. Both of their clothes are worn, dusty but serviceable. I can smell their sweat... Ugh! Dead people in the sun don't smell better though... Why here, why now.... add to growing list of strange things to ask about.

Long day. Went to the 125th anniversary meeting of the Embudo NM river gauge. It is the first river gauge installed and operational in the United States. It was here where the USGS figured out how to process data on rivers, cresting and volume, and such. Quite a bunch of people showed up. Nice tent set up and they had a relatively short speech portion then cake and a look at some of their new inventions to help them get data. I took some pictures and listened to speeches. Some good, some far too long and rambling. My bosses was pretty darn good. Short, succinct, on point and with humor. Not too bad. Chatted with the massive amount of river and flood and debris people and learned a few things. One very interesting thing I didn't know. There is a person, very nice lady, who's job it is is to predict how much debris will hit and where and how and when. Talk about a mother sister of a job. You could also tell who works in the field and who hangs around in the office. We were in jeans, boots, hats and shirts. The dust and wind were terrible. very bad. Cake was good.

Often you get a chance on visiting places like this while working. Its one thing about this career path I decided on that I love. Every day a new and different thing. Yesterday it was paperwork and documents. Today it was outreach, in the field, at a river gauge. If you don't know. River gauges tell us what the river level is and when there is a flood it will warm of flooding or other troubles with water running down. Many saved lives because of these. Well worth the money that is trickled into the program. They need more money to expand and upgrade... Go USGS! Woops.. off topic... So out in the field.. with camera... I got some great shots of the river gauge which I will post below and of the river, which is pretty low at this time. Aside from the dust and wind it was a beautiful day... for river rafting.... except the cake... it was good....better if it was pie. So got some good shots and happy bout that. Tomorrow is an awards ceremony for Govt employees who excel at their jobs. Should be fun...... dunno about cake or not. Ill let ya know.

The station was closed but we still had reservations. Go left at the sign.

Snazzy rock I found. I am going th have to do something with this one.

Embudo River Gauge. Oldest in the United States.

The Burque. Pretty huh!

Sites you just cant miss!

Balloons... events and problems... some of these posters are jerks..... he was the designer, he didn't design the event. blame the city planners...



Along with nuclear waste, there are ways of breaking it down. Just that the tree hugging population wont let it be done.. so what do we do... as usual... leave it for our children to deal with.. nice....


What history hides the internets will find and expose. Remember that the next time you tweet or facebook your party pictures.... Though this guy needed to be committed... I am all for tearing it down or putting up a plaque stating what this guy was.



I like when you can modify things to suit your need, mood, or want.... I like


Sa Weeeet!