Friday, May 31, 2013

Oh.......waiting waiting waiting.....

I got to wait a lot today. I do hate waiting. Well it wasnt even fun waiting. Or waiting for something fun. Oh Well... Its Friday... that will do for now.... HAPPY FRIDAY!!

ITS PIE DAY.... okay I wish it were pie day. Cherry pie? Apple Pie.....No rhubarb....

Spent the day while waiting... pulling the drainage tube out of the trench. rehoeing the trench... making it a little more deeper and cleaning the debris out of it. Stage two will be plastic....


I also put Erics balloon system back together.. though .. sorry Eric.. I did not clean the basket.. no time...too hot... But.. tanks are in and strapped.. third tank as well. Covers are down on the bottom with the burners nicely laid in.. uprights and bag are set on in short inside between the two tanks. And then I put the old Seasons Skirt over the top to keep the dust out of the  whole thing. I had mo to help me put KKisses back up on the pile of envelopes as I tried twice and almost had it fall on me. So nice and neat and waiting for your return.

Id take pictures but... well maybe later...

For those of you who are not normally around balloon systems..its good..very good to keep your gear clean and dry... Also away from anything that can cut, scratch or rub. And dust sucks on anything.

Mmm..Ill go take a pic....

The basket....
 The stack.. bottom..Kiss A Hoy, Middle Seasons, Top to the right is Patturns in The Sky.
Chair...brought to you by trash can.

So many more things to do.... bah..need to make a list still... did get two important things out of the way... one set of shots to a good friend.. hope he likes them.. and also some to our Rio Grande Classic winner... Hope he also likes them... I always worry...

Well.. its that time.... here are some links...

Interesting stuff out there.. but a massive amount of crap..I mean.. please..... it was like wading through five day old gum..

Just what I need.... another duh... why didnt I think of that...

Decisions of windows surface or a laptop... cant read in bed well with a laptop.. mixing wants and needs over really need?

Well.. that's just surprising.... not.... better late than never...

Well it is important in a way... cheating sneaky companies...

 Have a fun..... w e e k e n d!! Let it be long and fun and long.... oh.. with PIE!