Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Two hands. One brain.. slightly damaged...

Coming into a holiday weekenders extra things …sorry . . The first in a long time that I am taking time off and its a huge bucket of water being poured o things to be done …NOW….. What happened to letting on about this months ago.. and the priority level of this stuff is not up to the level of what my boss want's done now. Every other thing added means whatever was waiting goes back farther. Really. If you have a deadline… I will try but I am getting burned out by the constant barrage. Hah.. even when I drop things to push out something quickly .. what happened.. these people lose it and tell me I must get it to them again asap.. Who lost what? I have docs saying when I mailed it to you… and now you are hassling me again…. Sigh. Do I have to register every damn thing I mail out? And you are paying for it?


On the editing thing.. I lost time again last night editing stuff… Not much to say.. trying different things with different effects…

Look below.

Cuervo is an old town on Route 66 that is melting back into the red clay is was built out of. You can even buy the town if you are interested. I tried to pull all but the red into the edit. It would have been too red.. so I went with the brownish gold of the brush. Then add some scraggly stuff you would find at the bottom of a stairwell... 

I laughed at this sign.. There wasnt a place that skateboarders would want to skate in the first place...Non edited except for the toning.

This was a standard sign I edited back to clean and leaned back.

Tough edit here... I am using a photography editing program to do illustrating..... not easy.

I would love to see a mag lev train.. on the ground or in the air. Low maintenance and no UNIONS to cause problems. That is the major problem with mass transit right now. Strikes, over prices to pay for union dues and other types of money grubbing thievery.

I never liked the planet of the apes premise or the story behind it.. always felt like they used an easy foil.. why not moose.. or chickens.. hay... maybe a rabbit.

What a waste of 24 minutes... yawn.

Just like red light cameras.. they cause more problems then they fix.

Damn there are far too many peoples out there with too much power and money that have absolutely no sense at all … I am sad over it…

Hands now almost horizontal in a ..... hmm.. Frankenstein monster... monster.... ? Not touching the color wall in front of me. I was in a space that I could swing my arms around and easily touch the canvas ....and now.......... Not touching it...and that hand is just on the other side out of touch. Talk to me about reality. Tell me about the general ability of you to tell a moment from a moment. When you are with someone you want to be with. hours are seconds... When you have to endure the company of others.. that you would never stand next to if you didn't have to... seconds are years and you skin itches .... The last triangle is making everything glow with yellow light.... strong to the point of blanking out all on the outside of this column.