Saturday, July 5, 2014


Start of the day was with home made waffles by my Dad. Oh, stuffed! Then we sat around the table and we scanned and talked about family history and places, things, situations. My father is a font of knowledge..we were just now saying dad needs a Facebook or blog page where he can post his "dad's comment of the day". Dad has many good thoughts.. Just again now Dads daily was," leave things where you need them then you don't have to look for them at the time you DO need them" or something like that but said better. Funny.

So....yes.....scanned a lot of pictures. I really need to bring out my flatbed scanner too due to many pictures having hard backings. I thought I was being smart and bringing the doc scanner because it feeds automattically...oh well. Pictures included, dads 55 and 57 Chevys...amazing. Parents so stylish in white shirt with black tucked slacks, thin black with pipe skirt to ankles billowy blouse ..just totally alive. Not that it's changed but how old we all are now. Just looking and my mercies and nephews... Ya just feel old. It's a distance thing. Pull back and overlay your memories of being the kids ages and your parents being your age then and it's all becomes surreal...loss of perspective. Tunnel. Vision. Where did the years go?

I have to do a bunch of editing to so but about 300+ photos. Awesome....there are even a lot of shots from when my dad was in Vietnam. On china beach, where there were snipers in towers to shoot the sharks if they came in towards the beach...mortar attacks, living in boxes and huts build by themselves. I thing centering first, then cleaning on contrast problems then color problems. At 600 dpi I should get some pretty good spread to clean up the shots. Can't wait. Soon. Oh, I also took some notes too. Best part was hearing the humor and memories of old friends and tales. I did many of mom and dad's wedding and many amazing out takes that I never knew existed. What a find!

What a weekend!

Since the internet here is very dodgy I will try and get some funny things uploaded and I promise I will show some of the better shots from this weekends zoo trip and maybe a few family shots once I get the okay.

I will post this now without pictures but will reedit tomorrow so remember to come back and check it out....

Links for tonight....

Awesome..bad shots from the 4th. Hilarious

And amazing use of a drone...

Will this work for small children?

Been looking for a way to carry all my things...waiting on my pilot case from Lindstrand...sigh..

This looks interesting...

Not too bad huh. there else to do when the world goes tipsy turkey and you are egging it on?
The six brightly flashing shapes below my feet, turning either so quickly they are impossible to tell which way they are going or they are going so slowly that it's completely a waste of time.... It reminds me of a child's show...I can almost remember what comes next.... Is this supposed to make me feel calmer. I have the feeling I am being coddled here. That this isn't the usual way to go about things like this....and what to do about the girl..... The triangle are rotating along each center access...rotating and a black hexagram is forming in the center........