Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Limited range

Today's class was hard to get through.. Only due to rambling and length to get to the answer and then indecision on that. Very nebulous some of these things.. Also due to back, leg, arm, shoulder, eye socket pain I cant sit still or find a comfortable position.. I did get my photos from yesterday processed. Took all day really. They finished at 4pm. Then I had to go back to work.. so...... Today I think I am going to sit and rest and not push anything.

My poor eyes are bed enough I done want to fool with the small display and font on my surface. It's okay but from time to time it gets daunting....... Just tired. Really tempted to rest today. Nothing but work and then asking for more information. Woot.. Hoot.. argh Laddies tie off the main sail and pass out the grog.\|!

More indie cisions on those shots I posted yesterday. I'm still thinking about it. Then it came to me that since everyone has to bs Photoshop the moon as huge in the k that I should take some shots and abuse them the same way but not out and out try to pull the wool.. so we have abstracts instead... fun.

Big moon, Superimposed behind, threashold, the colorized.All of them are the same

The Glyph.

Blued Moon.

Nuclear Moon

Fun and kookie.



If I only had the time


Special isn't it. I have many things in my head. None of them are brain cells. Lots of paperclips, Rabbit hair, two tokens for the tube and a wad of tissue.

None of the above.. Just a view of a standard underground train station.. white tile, gray paver tiled floors,  pillars also encased in white tiles with Nile green tiles at connection of the roof and floor. No trash, not trash bins, and I cant see a rail edge from where I can lean forward and see from. Forward a step ever so quietly, hands reaching out for the edges of the doorway. Slowly, turtle like forward movement and… no, still no rail, only more brightly lit pillars and clean area.