Friday, July 5, 2013

Yay! Center of Bath!

I remember a line from a movie... Oh  Yes ... Sahara... Yay... Ship of Death! Hahahahaha

Personally.. and I believe Phil knows that I would probably drop my racer right outside the baths in the courtyard of the Bath Abby if I had half a chance.... Oh yes... Beware!  LOLOL a quarterchance...

Hahahaha.... yes...

So.. I was finishing up with the work outside... finished with the stucco on the chimney... now I am hoping the rain doesn't screw it up... well.. so I was finishing up and decided I needed to get get some propane in the balloon.... cause I wanted to be ready to go fly when a friend get back in town... and so I did... quick and easy... done.. but .. then I was commenting on resting up and just staying on the ground cause my crew ( I thought ) were mostly out of town.... well... Looks like I am flying Sunday... Yay... Friends... Grand!!

So .... ready to ...go... FLY!!!!

The truck is even still hitched up... Just have to go get ice for the cooler.. I have soda and twisters already.. snacks and such for the crews too's!

Now to get through Saturday.... I really have to get my list of things corrected... as I have not got one but three... its rather hard.

Plus I still have a splinter deep in my thumb so that makes it very hard to do "things"

Here are a few pictures I messed with today...

Yeah.. bout that odd looking one.... 1. Serious wind from the left? 2. It was built that way? 3. Forgot where the burner thingy was?  LOLOL

Here are some links...... cause.... its a cause...


Spoon... and another great line from a movie... "With just this spoon"

I try to do this but some people like to back load their problems until Thursday Friday and dumping them on you,.,

No that I would get close enough that this would matter....

Have some fun with that...