Friday, July 12, 2013

Good music over bad..

As I was running it through my head... is it worth it to keep music that you never listen to or care less about ( this is along that storage problem I was having ).

If you hate a group I can surely see dumping the music... but what if your not sure.. do you hang onto it forever? Along that line... since there are so many files to go through... What if I had stuff that I was not sure of... and again... a lot of it if not all is 128 rate... and I spoke about knowing and hearing the difference between that and 320 or loss-less. If its a great some of artist I would keep the 128 until I ran across a 320 version then buy that version and delete the low rate one. But if its a so-so song or group... just dump it?

I think I will be doing that this weekend on my off times... three files.. keepers, maybes, and crappers.

I should be able to push through the mound of files quickly ... more quickly the better the choice.. dithering helps no one at all... go, maybe, junk.....

Got any thoughts on it.. what do you do? What would you do... and yes you can comment here and I will see it and respond too...

What is your range of music.... just classics.... just classic rock and roll.... hard rock.... bop rock... techno... electro... jazz.... new age....

 Like Kimbra here below....

This is a conundrum for me in music... some of her songs are excellent and she has talent.. but damn.. the remainder of her stuff is like dogs screaming for mercy..... Where do you go there.... do you buy the whole album or just the songs you like?

As time goes on I am more apt to buy the song or songs I like and not the whole album.... sheesh and sigh!


Oh yeah.. Its like that in NM.. if you "want" you can pay more and "supposedly" use the power from the teeny tiny solar array they have.. give me a blinkin break.. if solar is so good and cheap.. why does it cost more and cost me more....And if you put a bunch of money in to a solar array at your house.. why should you have to pay a company for what your not getting!!! GET REAL!

This looks like it might be slightly dangerous...

100 Mega pixals or forget it!!!  Hahahahahaa

Mixed tapes like crazy.. I mixed reel to reels at one time... wow... what a time fryed run that was.

Oh.. those kids have it Sooooooooo hard now.... woooo.... sadness for their hardship...


This is an Ad I mocked up for Lindstrand... I loved I but never used it... so.... Since I love them.... Here U GO!