Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Good Job!

You made it to Wednesday!  Tomorrow is the 4th of JULY! Wow... time flys...

If someone would get their butt moving faster I would enjoy his company in the air.. Granted I have no fuel nor crew... Abandoned in the hot desert he stares at the rippling expanse of sand and mirages......

next to the starbucks.... damn! Always with the reality Moriarty!

Well.. I dont know about you but I have a list of house work to do... mornings outside and afternoons inside.


Here are some links for you to look at.. there are six.... Normally four but today six..... really.... six...

Twitter as well... please... Next piece of software will be simulated personas..

Well.. its a try too.... good luck.

Dropbox is pretty good.... still not sure on the cost.. but its free right now... I call it my UHaul as I use it to transport crap from point A to point B.

Okay... there is a major reason the Govt has no money... Why are the reading my junk mail too....

This is pretty serious... but very interesting..

And... on that Govt is spending money on what????? Give me a major break!