Monday, March 11, 2013

Stumbling around the archives....

Oh that fish or cut bait thing. I was sitting here looking over photographs for another project and was digging around in the depths of .. well it was deep. Got to thinking that when I want to do one thing I cant and I cant do other things due to circumstance.. why is that... why do you always what to do things when you cant and
when you can.. there is always something else that needs doing. Am I making sense yet?


Well I found some cool shots and wanted to share... Nothing super awesome but cool none the less.
A nice edit. Wished I had framed this better so I didnt have to crop but you see what cropping a shot can do.. the original had two balloons off to the right and took away from the shot. One slight edit and it looks so much better over all.
My name for this edit is... George in Repose.

It tells a story. Its gripping .. its... okay .. hes snoozing.
Removed all the bottom dirt and top confusion with all the power lines and junk that took away from George being George.

Okay... figure it out yet?

Slivers of a Breeze....

This is a picture of a reflection of Takach A Breeze in the mirror fronts of a business. Turned out great though I did tweak the color curve a bit.


My Son Mo in the perfect place for a low lever shot. I love this angle because it is a totally unique angle.
Even the most mundane thing gets interesting at this angle.... try it. Oh.. No cropping or edits on this shot.

Hot air?

Again.. another unedited shot. Just the right place at the right time plus that low level shot. This is the Durango Rally. Cold Cold!

So.. a few shots.. some edited.. some not. Most are not taken with the camera up at my eye. These are shots you can get with your phone, your point and shoot and DSLR. It just takes pushing that shutter button down. How hard is that. 

A few provisos though.  Cold, Dust, Wind, Rain, Snow.. so many things can trash your equipment. Protect it. I used to stuff my camera in my jacket. Not against my shirt but one level in from outside. That way it was protected from most cold or dusty elements but easy to get out.. and you didn't have to worry about your optice fogging over. Going from outside to inside will also cause condensation. Never a good thing. I use one lens most times that covers as much as I can.. 35 to 200mm is a good range. I freak when I see someone just popping off lenses anywhere. Or touching the inside glass of a lens.  Yeesh.. talk about ruining a picture with dirty glass. Take care of your equipment and it will take care of you.. Or something like that.

Links for this day... today... not yesterday... now.. like... NOW!