Sunday, September 27, 2015


Damn but these Sundays are coming quickly!

Its been a speedy week again.. Everything going on but amounting to just getting things ready. Things are almost as ready as they will ever be. Some touch ups at the end of the week but that's about it.

Let me see.... So many things but really not much to tell.... Massive fun with the facebook banners and profile pics ( posters )..... All of the last week below...

Highlight of the week was yesterdays flying.. Lots of people out on a little patch of dirt trying to get the feel for their balloon they have not flown in quite a while. I relate. But it was busy airspace with a goofy little variable wind. A lot of the balloons landed in the same place because that is where things just so happened to fly themselves... Very funny... I will add some fish eye shots I have not loaded anywhere else yet.... Fun fun... four days to go... gotta feel better or its gonna be painful...

Banners.. Find the numbers if they are hidden....

And profile pics or Posters...

If you have not caught on.. I try and put some real information in some and absolute craziness in others. 200feet per minute over the field is real. 1600 fpm is my max descent rate... which is blazing fast.

 Real silliness.

Real fear.

Laser shows this year.

Super silly.

Saturdays fun with friends reminded me of the coming bigger family fun.

Real thoughts of what went right and what went wrong or off from last year...

That is a lot of work.... a lot... Day zero which will be day 2 for me will be the end of these things until forever I hope. It was pretty foolish to start right when registration started way back in March... wow... so many days have gone by and so many things didn't get done... a lot of those things come down to the wire anyways and either everything is in place for them to happen or not.. Mostly not.. Try again next year... Or mid year... I dunno.... Lots of stuff you never expect or have a thought that will come up come up... You deal with what is in front of you and push off what you can or really cant get to and just cross your fingers and panic in private.... heh...

Okay.. So along came Sunday and a little got done and a lot didn't.... Here's to better timing and less spontaneous insanity...

Those shots.. All fish eye... Neat-O

Cheers and see you next week when I will be reporting what the first three days of Fiesta have been like.. maybe some good pictures to show too... I expect it to be a hoot regardless.