Thursday, September 3, 2015

Field Visits

Its like sneaking down to the living room before Christmas morning.. albeit... with less presents.. more heat and grass.... but it was kinda fun.. There was one thing that needed unwrapping.. that was Sid's statue.. It was covered head to toe.. Funny that.Hhe probably would think so.

I mean the clouds and sky were about perfect for taking pictures at the Balloon Fiesta Field... PARK!

Just when I thought I would be at work late which would make it impossible to go to the field... the net link came back up and I finished my paperwork. So off at 3 and run down or up I 25 to Alameda.. Off at speed... rip around the corner and back under the highway... down to Balloon Park Way and past the Museum... Came to an abrupt stop at the corner going down onto the field by a guy picking up a sign.... He just waved me around so off down.. quick right.. down left and stop at the cross of two taxi ways.... Hop out.. line up a good shot of the Sid Cutter Pavilion.. best I could do to recreate last nights old Pilots tent with Museum in the background shot... then run around taking pictures of the sky and grass and things.... Like Sid's statue being covered in moving blankets and a tarp.... Go figure. The shot position was not perfect as they still have to golfing fences up and the original shot was farther West.. no problem in about three weeks. I just wanted it for the 30 day to 29 day banners....

So after the field shots I ran up to the museum.. well.. so many distractions in between and I was not sure exactly what I was wanting to take pictures of but had that feeling that it might be worth a walk outside the front / North facing windows... it was worth it. So... I wandered around in the 90 degree temps.... low humidity though.. nice that.... and got what I wanted.... Museum was free too..

Out~thoughts while doing this... there are some very teeny tiny white bugs all over the ground by the big bucket in the sky.... real tiny.... super tiny.... I dunno what the were but they were bugging around quickly... So I got my shots and moved on to another new sculpture that seemed to be a cross between some Inca carving and steam punkish resting seat thing. looked kinda okay for a seat. All these things that caught my eye... will show up here in the next 29 days.... but for now... four.... then the banner and logo for today.

Rayshine. SidShine.

Vista Del Balloon.

Fiesta Video Visits.

What Reflection?
That was the money shot... Love every bit of it.

So fun..and so many more to play with over the next 696ish hours.... and I will hit the field again .. probably the next set of weeks to see how everything is going and report back....



I thought that I would highlight some important worries in my banner logo each day... parsed out here and there.... We shall see.... We shall see... False lift is a big worry when you are trying to launch quickly from the field and the air gets between your envelope and the ground and lifts you up but your not hot enough to stay up and you come down... quickly and unhappily....

I gave up trying to get my logo done myself before Fiesta and handed it off to a professional.... Time has expired on my patience and I do not have time to learn quickly enough... but darn it! I will learn...! ( Storm clouds overhead.. on hands and knees on a dirt track..pounding a puddle with a muddy fist!~ )  I WILL!!!    Get it all done up and perhaps some new pins.... Dammit! Heh!

Going to pick up paint tomorrow and get rollen!  Hope your Labor Day weekend has less labor and more day! Safe travels those heading to Colorado Springs for the big rally there... Perhaps next year.