Sunday, September 13, 2015

Woah Woa.... Woooooo boy!

Flapping arms... flapping arms..... Well if you were my Facebook friend you would completely understand. One link of comments has gone nuts..... Wow... fantastic....

If you think you all have fun out there..... you are not having half as much having fun as the fun we are having on this fast run up to Fiestas beginning... its just going to get more wilder as the days go by with more information trickling out to be absorbed then blown out of proportion and then commented on in rows and rows of crazy comments...

Wooo.... Boy!

Really Woah!

Today... today was fun. We didn't quite fly away but we did inflate and play around taking pictures in front of the new Sid Cutter Pavilion and Museum.. then goofing around and wandering around the field and then laying it all down and tail gating... What a good time.

Before that and right as the morning brief was going on then on hold then on again the horses and riders from the mounted rescue showed up. I had to bounce over and get pictures.... and I didn't want any ole pictures either... and I got what I wanted... plus some horse snot.... or drool.... Well.. one horse was a messy eater... That would be the blonde..... with the "hair".

They were out to acclimatize some horses to the sound of the balloons and the crowds.. There was an amazing amount of kids who just raced up to the horses and laid on hands.... Those horses were the best behaved I have ever seen... Cool.. collected... I don't know about having four or five sets of hands on my nose at the same time... I would probably nibble a few fingers off.... They didn't.. they just stood there and took it....  I walked around and shots some shots.. chatted with two of the riders...

Edits below... Just a few and basic full sized.. no cropping... I will get back to that later... Beautiful.

So many more shots and no balloon shots done today so they will just have to wait till I feel like doing them.... wait and see..... I expect in the next couple of days .. Until Wednesday.. then we are on weekly's .. remember... so a break till Sunday.... I will post more of the day.. beginning.. and end....


Oh.. except this one... which was taken in front of Sid's Place.... Why we decided to stand like this.. I don't know...... But it was funny....

My facebook banner for the day.. Logo after...

Kurt said.. Look at them guns.... I said....
  • ...Its like in World War Two when they would make tanks out of blow up balloons and sit them out in the field... Looks great... just don't inspect em too closely.. Hahahaha
Logo... Where was I going with this logo...

Oh yeah.... Being its Fiesta and the most photographed event in the world.. and the massive amount of shots I take at the event... well.. staggering.... Then because there are so few days left... its really a nuclear option to getting things done.... A Warning of sorts...

Just hiding in a corner at this point.

Really.. the front needs a bit of weeding as it was not done per contract.... and the pond needs cutting back..... everything else is pretty tight. A bit of caulk.. some vacuuming... and an electrician... oh and trailer logo.. must remember that.....

Its gonna be a FFYS kinda Fiesta... You gets what I'm hungry for..... and Dinner is going to be spur of the moments.... Hope you brought some trail mix.. hahahahahaa...

FFYS.. Fend For YourSelf.......