Monday, September 14, 2015

Visually Loud

You know how it pains you to look at a pictures at times... when it is so jarring or dangerously abject as to make you shy away.. Yeah.. lots of that this evening on the nets... I wonder why now three of the sites I used to go to for tech news are copying each other. I have to believe that they are all the same company behind and just upchucking the same drivel over and over again. Glad they are not on the top of the list for anything really tech savvy...savvy?

Its just going to get closer....

I did get an electrician on the calendar,.. woo hoo! Hopefully he can asses the trouble with my fan and trippy breakers. It would be so nice. Sad that it takes Fiesta to get things moving.. but really there hasn't been a need to just jump out there.. and there is also the assistance in locating a reputable electrician that delayed things.... All good.. We shall see when he has finished if I'm in pocketbook pain or not.

It was a quiet but busy day. I knew it was time to pack it in at 445 when my spreadsheet refused to accept a 15 digit number and kept trying to make a sum out of it. Time to walk away... step back... just close it up. Which I did...whew. I am hoping tomorrow it has not deleted itself again. That's been happening lately too. I save in two places now.

I did a foolish thing again today also.... I went to Walmart during the daylight hours....Woah! I had to get a few items for work... Walking past the checkout counters looking for one that was not three deep in people I passed some winners... there were three powered sit down shopping carts in a stack at the end of the isle and the three ( large, not handicapped people ) were now idly standing there checking out. Yes.. the left the carts there and walked out.... they seemed to just want to ride around the store and inconvenience real handicapped people and the store and people trying to work around their leavings.... Yup.... before 10am and after 6pm.... or never.

Oh well... It was interesting to watch humanity again... and we wonder why extra terrestrials never seem to visit.. who would? The planet in one damned reality show.

Off I go again.. here are some nice pictures taken Sunday... ease the mind.... Enjoy those people who are truly enjoyable to have in your life... I can count quite a few fantastic people I get to spend time with.. I count myself very lucky and blessed to have them in my life... they on the other hand wonder where the cameras are when I am around.... hahahahaha.

Your standard B&E.

Rough gang to hang out with and the initiation thing is brutal!

Big Bags of Hot Air Blast Overhead.

Simply the best of the best of the best hanging out between Sids Place and the Museum.

Lovely day for a photo shoot Mary and Holly! Two Launch Site Diva's and awesome photogs!

So there.. a few more trickle out.... Holly has yet to show off her shots for the day... I am waiting.. I bet she got quite a few.

What a day... Ill post off the facebook banner I worked on last night and reedited this evening.... Woah brain cooking...and logo....

Penalties will be assessed until moral increases!
