Tuesday, September 8, 2015

So when is a Tuesday a Monday?

Yeah.... I know....

Not a bad Tuesday/Monday as they go really. Not bad at all. A little long perhaps.
After finding my door to my cube installed with surveillance camera... sign that I had to state my intentions and calculator keypad and funny swipe plate.. well.... how can a day go bad after that!

The guys I work with are the best.

Off into the wild wide blue yonder.......

I was asked today if I was getting excited for Fiesta.. now 24 days away.. my honest answer right then was... no... not excited at all.. a little worried and maybe some of the "Lets get to it" kind of thing but excited.. not yet.. that will be the morning of Registration... Registration itself.. and then the first morning of flying off of the Fiesta Park with the other 550 plus balloons.  I may just go to the AAAA evening Pilot Video showing just for the heck of it.. that's about a week earlier... Visit with the gang would be well worth the time.

Registration itself is a monster thing. Driving down to the field.. parking where ever you can and if you are like me and early.. chatting again with friends before being let into the ( Now Sid Cutter Pilots Pavilion ( Patch ) to go through the lines and visit with the FAA and other fold handing out documents and information and stuff... You can even get a nice Quarterstaff and have bouts in the middle if you like! Just kidding.. about the bouts.. You can pick up a stick!

Bought new sheets for the beds... Its always nice to have clean new sheets. No mints on pillows though.... Hard work... Long mornings.. maybe you get an Oreo...lolololol. Dunno bout sausage rolls either... or as they are now called at Fiesta.. Pig Newtons....

Well.. There ya go... 24 days... some more pictures that were asked for.... just a few... interesting web sites tonight... kinda.... all below...

Fabric Fields.


Leaving Trails.

Big Sails!

Woo Hoo.. almost rhymes!

So some of those links for tonight...




I have to think on the last one.. Def was not Spanish.. of which I wished I had taken.. It was French I was bad at.

Banner for the day....

Insert thyself and laugh.

Taxi Dancing in da airs.

I really liked the .15 cents per foot after, up or down part.. .. Yeah.. sorry.. you have to get out now.

Have a wonder filled evening.