Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Photographs and Things

Get on the floor!!!!!!

Nothing bothers me than looking at my own photographs and saying to myself... wow... thats like... real boring!

Get on the FLOOR!!!

Take many..many..many shots.... many... I dont care if you think you got the shot... get it again.. twitch the camera a little.. change the angle... change it again!! Come on!! Work with me here!!

Get the darn camera off your eye.. thats why I love auto focus.

Oh.. and when you shoot a lot you get some very interesting pictures.. especially when you are shooting around people. Some of my most favorite shots are of friends when they are not watching.

I have rules to that though... First rule... Never take a picture of anyone eating!! Unless they are posing. Never take pictures of anyone drunk. Totally unfair. I am talking friends here. I refuse to abuse my friends. I do have some friends who I have a "understanding" that no pictures should be taken.. I respect that... I try to make sure I don't. More rules... yeah there are but these are the top ones.... for me.

I do have some excellent friends who unintentionally pose perfectly.

If you have visited my website at... http://invisibleblack.zenfolio.com/f75793416 ( link to the hot air ballooning overflow file ).. You will note some fun people pictures... And some of the pictures are not about whats centered or in one of the thirds area... Go figure.

Hot air ballooning is a passion... even if I am on the ground its still amazing. If you have never flown in a hot air balloon I cant tell you what your missing...

If you cant handle flying come out to the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta in October...

http://balloonfiesta.com/  Its completely and stunningly heart stopping!

Getting on the floor ( ground ) here is well worth the wet knees... really....

Bring your camera.... bring your video camera.... bring warm clothes....

One of my favorite sites is... http://digital-photography-school.com/forum/

Loads of good information at this site... loads!

Stop reading.. go take a picture of something!
