Monday, January 21, 2013


At last the Christmas tree is coming down. I asked my Son to help and he brought friends..... why I do not know... its a regular fake 6 foot tree!!! Well it is coming down quickly I should say.

I expect he did this so he can go off with his friends again. Yeah. No one wants to hang out with the parents.
But I can say that I would have probably done the same if I hadn't been in the Air Force when I was 18.

I wonder if my grandparents thought the same thing about my parents. Did they head out as soon as they could to get out from under the "boring" watchful eyes... I must ask. I will ask. Interesting. I know that some of the stories my father told me about what he got up to as a kid were more extreme than much of what I did as a kid. Or is it just a different type of "lets not tell the parents what we were doing so they don't freak the heck out" antics. I know I have never hung from a train bridge by my fingertips or sneaking out of the house by sliding down the front porch roof.

Back on the Video subject. I reviewed Chris's video file I picked up at lunch today. He is a helicopter pilot in training. He skydives. Never gonna go there... the skydiving thing. His GoPro camera was hooked to the front top of his helmet. When he stepped out of the basket at 1000+ feet it was weird. When he let go and flipped end over end ..... gag!  And I have to edit this? Into the main video? Going to be a woozy time.