Friday, October 17, 2014


It was a long time coming.
It was going to be a break.
Turns out that is not gonna
Be that type of break
Shoot On!

Not like I can stay asleep longer that 6 hours anyway without the brain deciding to play nut ball videos behind my eyelids. It would be fine if they made sense or we interesting but dang. Woke three times this morning just because it was so boring. Third time it was close enough to 6 to go to work. I still got there half hour early. Went straight to work when I walked in. It is a rare morning that I don't. Not because there is an emergency, but because there is always a list. Oh. I did have to catch someone before they left for the day and I just did that. Whew.

I did get a lot done. Every bit of it disconnected from everything else. I stood at my desk for 80 % of the day. My heels feel it the most. Cushion mat on the way. Might even get some inserts for my shoes. I can stand for everything but heavy calculations. If I have more than two thoughts going on I need to sit. Strange but it works.. I rather do that thinking sitting. Standing in the corner isn't working.

One of the things I would love to have, and I am copying a very cool guy, is a barber chair. B at the ROC has a chair in his office. I think its a great thinking place. Too bad the nice old chairs are upward of 2000 bucks. Its a thought though. I would also like a little higher wall on my monitor side. I can look over the wall standing and I get distracted easily but people walking past.... maybe I could have them duck.... naaa.... they would throw things at me instead. Have to think on that one.

I edited a few pictures and really could have gotten carried away with that but set a limit to it. I posted five to Facebook and I have a few for here, which I will post below. Click on them because they are cooler larger and the small size here sucks. I was going to edit a video but was having such a problem with it I saved where I was and gave up for the night. Its a river run and I want it to be a dual view but its not working right and I am too tired.

Here are some of the shots I worked on tonight... Nowhere near the amount worth working on.

Wides are so much fun

Farmers is a friends new Lindstrand.

Hoots cool. Place was stacked up for some reason.

North gate.

Puddles near Copper State.

Tomorrow I may do the racers and competition.. maybe

Tomorrow morning.. shoot shoot..shooooting