Sunday, December 25, 2016

And to all a good night.... Okay. one more piece of cherry pie!

The close of the 2016 Christmas is near by. For some its passed and I hope they survived it! We have some hours left to see how it all goes but barring the errant meteor or localized earthquake I think we are gonna make it. I think....

This was a quick week. Between work and pushing things through with so few staff everywhere and re-reading things and also having Friday off to prepare for the Christmas weekend... well.. it was a busy one and a strangely tempered one.

We had our normal Christmas eve glow cancelled due to high winds and incoming rain / snow. That meant the pot luck after started very early and we found ourselves home and backing the truck and trailer into the side yard early ( it was still pitch black out ) and safely home in in the standard chair settling in. We looked at the clock and were amazed it was so early.

This Christmas was all about our 11 month old granddaughter. When she arrived we had to first get everyone fed full of pashka and ham then settled down to open stockings.. Emily had no clue nor interest. After that we started trying to get her to open gifts but we seemed to have bought the super strong wrapping paper and it was crazy hard to tear... okay.. everyone pitched in and helped open presents for Emily to look at, see if it was worth the time and then look at everything else... We did get through it all and she did get way over stimulated...but still was awesome!  Dinner later was wonderful and pie after that rocked. It was a nice Christmas.. Next year we can look forward to being told off by a near two year old Emily so I cant wait for that. I will also get the non duct tape wrapping paper to make it easier for us all.

Now with Emily gone home with her parents, dog on lap and things cleaned up I can rest a bit, think a bit.. and probably go to bed early.. hah... not till after that piece of pie!

Here are some shots... centering on Emmers as you would expect.

Short envelope strap. I was going to get the same for Morghans balloon but I opted for the 3 footers so he has extra wrap. Nice for envelope handling.

The AAAA Jingle Bell Rally.. first day was a total bust but where can you go to drink champagne at 0700 in the morning. 2nd day was better but I was babysitting the Emmers. Emmers always comes before ballooning.

Emily has her own sunglasses to wear when out and about. Mostly she chewed on them.

Dining at its finest! Her drinking noises will cut down on return trips to all five star restaurants in the area.. though at the house she can slurp as much as she wants.

Emily in a new set of onesies playing with Mo and her new phone. For a fisher price the first one didn't stand up at all! New phone.. hopefully it will last longer.

The new Pilot pin I am working on.. very rough. Cant seem to get the digital program to create the soft curve I can get freehand. I keep throwing the designs away. Frustrating.

I have also.. on this long weekend tried to resettle all my files in their correct drives only to find that moving that much data is a serious pain and a massive time sucker. Wow. Still not done getting the video files where they are supposed to go and the picture files where they are supposed to go.. and finding stuff in places it has no business being.. wow...just wow.

Off to do more.

Merry Christmas to my friends.. even if we have not spoken in a while and family who are far and wide away... Cheers!... Boxing day.. then New Years Eve then New Years day.. maybe a flight in In Czech somewhere in there???? Crew? Can I get some crew????