Sunday, December 18, 2016

Plans.. they are really suggestions.

I had planned to do many things this weekend. I planned to fly but Saturdays weather was insane. I planned to work on the pins and that got waylaid by my favorite Granddaughter ( not that I am complaining... except for the no sleep part.. too old for that.. but she is a treasure ) Many little things I am just not going to get to .. I did get the dishes done and laundry done so I call that a fantastic process completion... even though I was mostly not written down... It's done now. Can't take it back.

A banner from last years countdown to Fiesta... I need to upload all of them to my website. So many.

I took all of maybe twelve pictures at the cookie contest on Saturday. Not a great showing for me. Die hards came out.. which was excellent and it was nice to sit in the Sid Cutter Pavilion in the warmth and chat with friends while it blew and rained ( snowed in places ) outside.

I need to order some shock pads to attach to my daughter to make sure she goes home.. gets her husband in bed to rest and daughter down for a much needed nap... can I get one for Christmas? LOL. Too much sickness going around.

Probably due to the weird weather.. cold .. warm.. cold cold.. warm.... So fun. Ballooning in the cold is a special thing too. Cold is good for life... the cooler the better you can lift.. My balloon weights in the ballpark of 660 pounds complete... Yeah I calculated it from my weights page..

Propane is about 4 pounds a gallon ... so..

Add me and whoever I am flying and it adds up.. so the colder the better.. but the colder the less I want to fly... I don't want to be cold.. I don't want to try and get things put together.. Id rather find a nice greasy spoon to sit in a drink coffee. But .. we do get some amazing flights in in the winter months.

My Son did get to fly .. and he flew quite a ways.... almost to the airport... Yeah... Wild. I am the conservative one. Yeesh... I think I need to move.

We are glowing at the Del Oso Golf Course on Christmas Eve... Followed by a pot luck at the good people who are setting it all up. It's always fun. Going to glow Patturns In Czech since we really have yet to glow her. It will also be very cool.

This upcoming week will be quiet in sound but that allows for some of the things that need to be done. well get done.

Here are a few of my favorite banners from last Fiesta countdown.....

Many fun ones... Can you find the numbers?

Okay.. Much to do.. or not do and complain about later.... so.. here I will stop for the day.

Have a great run up to Christmas.. Be safe.. don't take chances... be there for your family!