Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 01 01 The New Year

First day of the new year and no hangover nor tiredness due to the late night. I was up for the new year in the central time zone but that was laying in bed reading. HAH! Super old. Or super smart.

Only two of four but you get the idea.

Third pin design is being worked on between other things.

Like backing up and mirroring files and drives. Ill get to that in a moment....again.

My facebook banner for the new year. Had to feature my wonderful Granddaughter. She is growing so quickly and in so many ways from size to speech..  Her attitude has not changed. She is still as aware of her surroundings and what she likes and does not like and is not slow to show you her furrowed brow if you displease her. Woooooo....

As much as facebook allows an extreme connection from person to person I hope it dies soon. Its very invasive and mind altering. Just watching posts last night I could see that to some it is the only thing...the only thing.. like the ring in Lord of the rings. I am not talking about my feed as most of the people there are more reserved... I was watching another web site that was following the goings on and silliness on facebook from a different angle. Most interesting if you can figure it out. It is very alluring in its ability to post your food, your life, your everything to everyone so they all know you are an amazing person of massive abilities and had eggs with salsa this morning! Me..not so much.

Bouncing back to the backing up. I've mentioned this before... backing up your files. I was surfing another website where people post silly things for your amusement or their downfall... some of it is spectacularly sad and stupid and some of it is novel and insightful... Its the world of ME now.

Well, this person had run into the same sad story.. "My hard drive crashed and I cant get into it to all my pictures." They went on about all the things they had tried and still had no luck and that these pictures were so precious to them and they couldn't bare to lose them. Been there done that..lost some very special shots well as files.... so my advise to them was to stop what they were doing as they would or could only damage the drive more. Contact the maker of the drive and find out from them the cost of getting the files back. It usually is very expensive to do unless its a slight corruption in the file table.... if they have to remove the platters and install them in another drive the cost goes way up.. but if they are that special.. you may want to pay that price.

You know my choice... Two similar sized drives and mirror everything. Same files on both drives. Verified and checked monthly. You may want to go with a Raid system but that still leaves the files in one place. With two drives you can take one to work and stick it in your locked drawer or bin and then if there is a fire in your house you only lose one copy. The other is safe.

If there is one thing you do this new year, do this! Go buy those drives. Go spend time copying your special files to both..then take one drive somewhere safe.

Since Thursday I have been recopying and resorting files. with 8 4tb drives and 2 2tb and 2 1.5 tb and 2 1tb drives shuffling can get bad. Now I am validating these drives against each other. In the photograph drives I have to copy over everything from one drive to the other as I usually edit on one then move those files to the other drive so they are not lost. I've been at it since Thursday, 24 hours a day.. Or the computers have been. Sadly one computer deems it necessary to shut itself off even though I have removed that from its list it still does it. So... I have to restart the process. Its ongoing.

On the pin processing... I've been horribly lazy in the third pin. I have only just gotten the wire-frame done. I blame Fallout 4 and well.... I'm lazy. I really have to be in a mood to do this stuff, though I am getting there. In the future there may be some money involved with designing pins for people so that's a great incentive. I will do stuff for money... terribly mercenary of me.

Since I had to modify the throat and basket It took a while. This is the old version of the bottom end. Its changed to better reflect the correct bottom that matches the other pin with the same bottom end. Balloon baskets come in different configurations of the basket as well as the burners and frames. I refuse to use a generic bottom end as I think that is cheating and not the real balloon then.

Other than that I am enjoying my Himalayan salt lamp I got for Christmas.. it gets nice and warm and glows wonderfully.

Oh.. I did also install and program a new router. My old one.. which was very old and cranky... kept dumping every so often and having to be reset to work... it was time. I got a nice Netgear unit and it rocks. My up and download speeds are stunning now. Download is gasp inducing!

Now if I had the need for that speed.... Well perhaps in the future.

My Son did a stand up between storms here for a menorah lighting at the Balloon Museum. He was the only person who had a tarp ( thanks to JP and KVS ) and it was one or all so he stood then went on to do a candle burn with others to create the largest menorah ever. It hit the news last night.

Not an attempt.. it was a go. 

We had a quiet New Year here. Its been forever since we had the want to brave the crazies on the roads. We did go to a wonderful party with bonfire a few years ago but have not been back to it in two. Good people to visit with too.... oh well. 

Supposed to go fly an afternoon flight today but the weather is again looking very sucky. I hate that and I don't even know if I want to get in clothes to go out and see if its doable. UGH!

Okay.. back to my backing up and you can go off and get more aspirin. 

Buy those drives!!!