Sunday, June 26, 2016

Busted Weekends.. Still another weekend ( F4 too )

Yeah so .. had great plans to fly two hops this Saturday. Had thee worthy victims to get in the air in two hops. Weather looked great for just that all week. Spend time creating five different facebook banners zooming in on the location of the flight and all the information to make it fun and get people to come out... Problem was.. the weather reports were in no way close to what was going on at the launch area. Reports were 2mph slightly to the east... We had gusts to 12 and overcast and funky skies.

So we stood there for over an hour waiting for it to calm down but it just tried to play sucker with us. In the end we sat and had mimosa's and snacks and chatted. Not the way it was supposed to be.

It was also pretty muggy and mucky. All that means that the flying was doable but that two hops were not going to happen. Also the landing would be a might bit bumpy. So, not wanting to bruise anyone on their first flight or be unable to swap passengers we chose to stay on the did almost everyone... One Doctor decided to go fly and had a good time.... Doctor!

The work leading up to the day...

Yeah.. it sucked. We will try again next weekend on Sunday... So ..if your in the area of all those arrows you should see us in the air. Hopefully.

Other than that the week ambled on. Got some good training in on Thursday.. but that was all of the excitement.

Here are some of the pictures I took that I did nothing with for a while... I had a bit of energy to do something.. not much and it gave out quickly...

Ted pointed this out to me...a good view of the moon with all the levels of clouds going every-which-way and a contrail.

A zoomed crop of the moon.

Contrail fun.

Tone map of that sucker hole! Didnt edit out the dust speck.

Doctors in the sky,.

Sooo.... that was about it for that... some other shots....

Sandias looking blue in these tones.

Tails of some fire birds. Forest fire tankers.

Rabbits of Summer. We have a large population of Rabbits around our office.. and one roadrunner who is always knocking at the front door... We give it water.

Okay... That was the main content....

Now you can go away .. unless your interested in Fallout 4 stuff.... I warned you.

Saw the drop of another DLC.. construction stuff... litttle I was interested in except the elevators... sadly they are fixed and hard to deal with. If you had given it out as sections.. like add a section as you go that would have worked but this way its too hard to line them up and use them.. BORING! Most of the the other stuff is pretty useless too.. I mean if you have no imagination then it was great but for standard building.. They forgot half walls, quarter walls, windows for standard sized heights and some other stuff...

I was able to complete the Institute quests.. or at least get to the decision point of the game.. I hate that in this game and in F3 New Vegas they want you to choose to destroy the BOS.. Not happening.. I need that armor and equipment location.. so I stopped it and left it in stasis. It did open up Bunker hill to be set up as a settlement.. THen I find out that the build zone SUCKS HARD! Cant take down the crap walls and build better nor can you build out to the edges where you would think it worked nicely. No.. you have to pretty much stuff things in here and there. I wasted a lot of supplies and time before I could find something that worked.. and the building height.. that sucked worse.. why so short Bethesda>? Sigh.. So it turned out to be a club in the sky... I have pretty much exhausted the building possibilities... except I did upgrade the weapon positions in Oberland Station since the game started popping super mutants into the middle of it.. which is such a cheat... good luck now.. seven rocket launchers are waiting now.... Screen shots below.

Oberland Stations new pain wall. Come at me Bro.. you gonna get served... Pop mutants into the middle of my settlement... my short hairs.

Validation of supplies..

New Bunker Hill overlook.

Bunker Hill Overlook Armor. Behind Elevator.

Dining area at Bunker Hill Overlook.

Bunker Hill Overlook. Took forever to get the placement right so that the elevator worked and the support columns came down to the ground correctly. Pain in the A$$, Weapon positions are on the roof of all the shanty's below.

Bar area on the top.

Red Rocket Armor build up. My Terracotta army is almost complete.

Yes... Hilarious ending to that quest to get the ship unstuck....

Another shot of Red Rocket. Thought about moving everything to the Boston Airport but I think its too much trouble.

Starlight Drive In entrance upgrade. Thats the building to the left. Raised it and enclosed it.

Inside the entrance. A place for traders to relax before going into the main settlement.

One last shot of the Bunker Hill complex with the settlers now resting and relaxing.

A thought as I was finishing this up.. Once I had set it all up for the people of this area of Earth I stepped back... What would these people do with what they had been given.. Too bad the little world does not continue on after you save and shutdown. Its in stasis until you start up again.. It would be interesting... though since the game forces you to respond to every settlement attack regardless of the weapons at that settlements ability to stop any raids if you dont show up the game trashes your settlement.. which is major bull. My settlements should never be run over and damaged. I might lose a gun turret here or there but ... Okay.. its just silly.

I am going to peek into the game for a bit today to see if there isnt anything else I can do.... Have a good Sunday!!