Sunday, July 3, 2016

Westside Sky Dancing and Fallout 4 still

What a weekend... and what a day. Let me skip to today as it was the best. Started out with another try to fly Nick for his birthday. Last weekend we sat and kicked dirt. Today we went out and there was some breeze but it was pretty nice.. sadly going the one direction we really don't like to fly due to congestion and many many power lines. So.... we decided to go up and see if it was possible to find something up there going a different direction.We also had a new mount from to try out. Its a trapez type connected to the envelope by magnets so that if it got hung up it would pull off. Yeah.. lose the camera but save other damage. It worked a treat but I forgot the allen wrench to get it set and had to jury rig a way to connect the camera. Better next time.

The video did come out and its pretty good. The fisheye version of the flight can be seen here.....

Ill work on the regular hanging version later or tomorrow. I bonked my head so hard today while in the trailer that I have a bum bigger than an egg on the side of my head. It hurts quite a lot but not enough to stop me doing videos or holding my granddaughter when she got to the house. Nice and she was fussy but then fell asleep for almost two hours..

I took only the fisheye camera lens today and that was a bummer because it was a nice day to take pictures.. especially since Eric and I did some roll overs.. He went under me as I went over him and then he came up and flew over me and then we piddled off to find a landing spot short of the bad area. Since we were getting close to bad areas I dropped out to find a road or space to land in but instead found a trickle of west wind and rode it out to get to a place to lay down safely. ... which we did... it was awesome. Nick got a great ride... I got some fly time to enjoy the handling on my Lindstrand... which is awesome too... Now the whole system needs a cleaning but that will have to wait till after next weekend where me or my son will fly two more people on their first time up in a hot air balloon. its so much fun flying people who have never flown before. Really fun. Some shots I was able to get.. not many...

Nick's view out.

Trapeze mount of us going over Eric. it was closer than it appears.

And down the other side.

Now following and flying at the same altitude.

Off we go to find a different bit of air.

Kodak 360 camera capture of the same.


And Hi!

Landed and happy.

The whole week prior is but a shade compared.

Oh.. Tim Powers came out with a short story and I am reading it now... pretty novel story line so far and pretty captivating... you can find it on Amazon...

We have had a conversation on that a soul carries after death... is it still evil or is there a cleansing or even what that would be about... no spoilers. Most interesting.

okay.. that's about it...

Now its going Fallout....

Since the contraption DLC dropped i've tried to use some of the stuff but found most to be pretty ho hum. Even the elevator which i really wanted to use is next to useless. Its not set so you can stack but are preset and they done line up except for the warehouse and I don't use that junk. I've been able to incorporate it into one place... Bunker Hill.. and that place was a total pain to work with too. So.. after all that I had all these supplies and nothing to build so I went back to the red rocket station and thought about rebuilding it... and I did.. It was one to two levels of 10 by 10 block and then metal and wood all the way up.. that made it very tight... I was able with a lot of work to switch out the 10 x 10 blocks with cement walls. And I replaced all the armor levels with mesh metal floating and the walls of the housing area with nice tall glass walls and even got a weapons display in there too... Look below.

Old version with cement blocks and wood levels.. Yay old school.

Updated house level with nice walls.

Now nice and fresh. open and clear. I even added some mesh walls to let some light in.  

Below that is the new weapons area. Not bad but very restricted in what you can add and all.... 

After I got most of that done while protecting a lot of settlements I finished it and I only ha a few things I am going to have to fix sometime...

I did after this insanity go back to Hangman's Alley and fix that as best as possible with all the glitches in that area... Glitch. Its almost impossible to seal off from attack. Most items are too hard to fit into the limited area. The settlers will not go past an invisible line and into the other part so no matter what you build or plant they will never go to it. So I ripped it all down except where I had sealed the holes in the place and rebuilt it with cement walls and opened it up as best as possible.. i even fit a bunch of water filtration... Yeesh!.. below.

New housing with living below and sleeping above.

Stairwells nicely set this time with a bathroom even!


Down below where there were a few places to buy things.

More things to go on and I have more stuff I want to do.. we will see....

Its almost time to shelve the game.
