Sunday, May 22, 2016

Framily weekend

1. Quick but very busy week.

2. Weekend started Friday with a road trip with Granddaughter to my Fathers 85th birthday ... Surprise birthday.

3. He has a degree in Criminal Science... yeah..

4. One thing let the cat out of the bag and you could just see the flags popping up all around him to tell him .. sometin funny was going on.... He was happy to see all of us kids standing against the wall and none of us were in trouble.

The above was Dads pasta party day 2 created by Carolyn with Marys assistance. They only tried to burn the house down twice so that was good and the pasta sauce was most excellent. But let me go back one day first.

So yes.. We got to "surprise" Dad. Mom walked in and saw us all and didnt give it away. Emily tried to blow the whole thing by squalling just at the wrong moment but didnt or was cut off with a finger to chew on... Dad was happy... And before that Mary was surprised as her birthday was the day before and as usual we don't do anything here... there... as I knew but didnt tell there was a home made by Genny chocolate chocolate mouse cake.. which was awesome.... So then it was burger, hot dogs, brats and salads... as my little sister about her pickable lettuce bowl. It grows in the bowl and you cut what you want off... and it grows back.. so weird...  There also was family members Kimmie and Cara and our second cousin Kate ( I abbreviate ) who is a chemist in town and we just found out a while ago... Finding family that are so close is pretty neat for us who live out West.

Day 2 which was the pasta day was loud.. very loud.. it always gets loud but it was loud. As Aubry said.. the space station was calling in noise complaints. It was a lot of fun. We never did get around to playing cards of r dice.. we did chatter away till late at night. Lots of wine was had ( I was dehydrated so I was on the water kick ) the pasta sauce was excellent as I said and there was some to come home but we forgot it in the work getting Emily settled for the drive home.

It was an awfully good time.

The drive back down into New Mexico was novel. From Denver to lower C Springs it was a little rough with the cars and traffic and people who wanted to side swipe me because they were not looking. No... no look before changing lanes without blinkers almost into the side of the Honda.... After C Springs it opened up and most of the traffic was zipping out. The sillyness didnt start until we hit Santa Fe.. then it was people who were driving without the ability to think and were driving all over the place.. blocking traffic... just being seriously unable to consider anything but themselves... so.. It was nice to break free of the nuts and cruise home.

We took four generation pictures with Mom, me, Aub and Emily and they looked good in the camera display. I'll pull them off the camera tomorrow and process them. Nothing formal. Just some nice couch pictures.

Some of the sillier shots taken with my cell phone below.

Emmers with a stuffed animal Aub won.. she had it and was not letting it go.. along with another toy. She is very well aware at 4 months of cameras on cell phones. She will stare at your until you do what she wants. No.. really!.

Fam relaxing.

Kitchen overload.

 One of my new undamaged pilot switches from Lindstrand USA. THere are two but the second one was old and was mistakenly shipped too. Replacement coming soon.. then expect shots of both along with the damaged ones. Ill point it out. THey are sooooo.. nice!

Emmers when she was dropped off to me at work last Thursday in front of my desk. She was like... can you get me some milk? How bout we find some toys... maybe just let me bank my hands on the keyboard... She is the cutest little girl. It is going to be less that impossible to not give her whatever she wants. Yikes.

 So... Emmers travels very nicely. She only got upset only when wet. She watched movies and slept a lot. Id travel with her anytime. I wonder how she is on planes.

It was a grand weekend and Dad turned 85. Fantastic. Hope your weekend was as fun filled.