Sunday, July 29, 2018

Place holder. It was a quiet week.

No really.

Tried to take pictures of the moon but there was... stunningly far too much moisture and clouds to get a good shot. It was horrible. Horribleness below.... below the next... below. Took some shots of the volcanoes... pretty boring. But that is the banner for the day..... Lucky you!

Some color but damned washed out completely.... Oh well...

And a single shot tone map HDR... cause it was there and I can....

Other than those minor things I was able to clean my garage and relocate items and get rid of other things so it looks nice ... which allowed me to relocate bins of winter clothes and such to the garage neatly... and that led to rearranging the balloon trailer so that everything is where its supposed to go ( almost.. We had rain get in during one of our heavy storms and there is a leak in the roof or the vent let it in but regardless the envelopes in their AERCO dry bags are nicely dry but not back in place so the floor can dry out... whew ) and closed up. Need to refuel though.

All those items had to start with one thing to allow other things to be done. I hate when issues stack.

I even cleaned up and re-binned my office closet to make it easier to find things.. that was the second leg of the stack.

I think I need a truth table to sort this out.

Since I had cleared the storage shed up two weeks before and all the tools were placed to be easily accessible.. damn it... I was able to get the saws all and hedge trimmer out and clear the brush and tree sprouts from the East side of the house and that area is raked and the gate opened.

Sometime last weekend someone wapped into our wall with their car. Hit is perfectly at a pillar but sadly that took out 30 feet of wall. Its leaning in but not fallen over... They popped by to tell me they were sorry and will have it fixed so that meant cleaning the area up became a priority.

Hopefully soon.

The whole top three rows are broken away from the bottom.. wooooo..... Could not have hit it in a worse place.

Also.. I asked about my lens cover from my Kodak 360 cam and it was located in my cup holder in the truck.. much thanks for whomever set it there for me to find!!

They are silly costly things.

So I am completely wiped out tired. But the side yard looks good..except for the huge pile of brush that has to be taken to the dump sometime very very soon......

There you go.. Besides dealing with companies that cant hold up their parts of deals and the crap you have to go through to get them to fess up is sad.

It was a tiresome week. hoping next week is more good, happy, positive and enjoyable.

Hope yours is too.