Sunday, April 2, 2017

Walking instead of Crawling.

From a lazy Saturday with the rain falling for most of the day to the bustle and rustle of Sunday insanity.

The plan was to go fly for Morghan's birthday on Saturday but the weather report was silly with rain and winds so it was cancelled early and rescheduled for Sunday.

So Saturday was a ridiculous amount of Fallout 4 game play while ripping my videos to files. I am so tired of containers of DVDs all over and having to flip through them if I ever want to watch a movie I decided to deal with it. So while video are ripping to files I play the Xbox.

I am almost done with the dvds but now I have to go back and transfer over the 2nd choice files. I rarely ever watch movies at all but it would be nice. I mean up until today I have not been to a movie theater for at least five years... but we can get back to that in a moment.

Getting up Sunday no earlier than regular work hours was no problem. Deciding that the coffee I make at home is as good as store bought and twice as much fluid in the cup, and super cheap instead so stupid costly works now so no stops on the way to the launch field.

The only worry was with all the rain the night before that there would be muddy fields.. and maybe even FOG!!

No fog.. and the grounds were damp but not muddy. Lots of people were at the field before us and we were there way before dawn as it was. That's a good sign. Standing around waiting for dawn showed no change in the very calm breeze and we started to set up. Mike Garcia got Meow up and off fast and cruised West.. Neat.

Mo and the team.. and by team I say many many wonderful people there to help us out got everything set up quickly. Being as there were some new to ballooning people out Mo decided to do some hops if it was possible. It was and four people flew and three brand new friends had a great flight and very soft landings. We went South. After packing up we got back to the field for an impromptu initiation by Robert and handing out of some pins.

Here are some pictures clipped from the video cameras and some I took of the fun after.

Up and over the other balloons...

A view Southwest over Unser.

Coming in over the arroyo to land and swap out passengers.

Off and up again with two more... Shadow Chasing.

Where did it go... I have no idea what they are looking at.

Heading down to land but the winds at the surface are not going where they should be.

Landing and not.. not landing on the porta potty but beside it.

Lots of fun and the pack up was quick.

Shots from me.....

Nick's first ride and a good one at that.

Up and out. Love this envelope.

Patturns In Czech being chased upward.

Drifting over the deep arroyo off Unser.

One of three Chase Support Dogs. If we get lost they go for help.. right?

It was a good time all around.

Right after we got back home it was dump everything and get somewhat cleaned up and go to the first movie I have gone to in ages.

I went with my daughter and son in law to Flix to see Ghost In The Shell.

After hearing of all the bad reviews and comments on how it didn't faithfully follow the anime version and that they had cast ... what ever her name is... as the Major and there were other items.... guess what.. It was a excellent movie.

You just have to understand that the movie is a clarification of the Major and not as full as the main movie could be without running into hours and hours of movie time.

I liked the whole show. I loved the solid reality of emotion that was there. I loved the grittiness, special effects and "Han shot first" style. Not at all a waste of money to go see. I would go see it again.

Flix is great for having real food and drink and the great seats and tables and did I say.. food? Anytime food. Not that I went crazy but it was nice. Easy to get in and out of the rows so.....

Since this was the first in a long time.. I have changed my mind of movies in theaters... I think I will be going back to see Blade Runner and one other movie.

Whew... then home and play with the Granddaughter and watch how well she takes to walking instead of crawling. She is doing very well and by the time the family were ready to go she could walk the whole living room on her own.. granted very slowly.....hahahaha.

A good day.. Loads of good friends to enjoy it with and a impressive moving to cap it.