Sunday, February 19, 2017

Points of View

Depending on who you talk to you will find different points of view. In almost every view you will find a sliver of truth that is either used to prove a point or cause a distortion. How do you feel about your position?

If I crop a shot to prove a point do I have enough pixel density to pull it off or am I going to have some distortion or pixelization happening. Even with expanding the saturation or light it can cause untoward distortion. What is acceptable?

Truth is to me that the picture represents as best as I can what I want to see. Not reality because it takes so little to fake it nowadays. Everything you see can be twisted to show the opposite or extreme or the flip side. It might stand for a while but if your called out on it.. which you will be someday.. you have to defend it.

Id rather not and just say I cropped it or adjusted it to suit my eye. What I have seen and what bothers me most is reality skewed to appeal to the most people possible just to make money. I guess that is okay if all your trying to to is rip people off with generic crap and foist it off.. all good.. but be up front with what your doing. Slipping money out of peoples pockets and giving them a handful of crap is no way to live and you will ( unless you are a sociopath ) run it through your head over and over again on how you abused people. Regrets suck. LOL.

I may never make money with my photographs due to that. Oh well.

I do love how each camera I own has a sweet spot and lots of bad spots. If you can work to that sweet spot its all good. Sometimes you have to deal with the bad spots.

If I won the lottery I would buy the best DSLR I could for my friends. I would also buy the best all around lens for my friends too. Right now the best punch for the money for me is the Nikon D7100. It is a 24 mega pixel sensor.. and that is very very good. Why? Because even if you don't set your shot right you can come back and crop it and still retain an amazing amount of detail! At half that you can print a 3 ft by 2 foot crisp poster.

My favorite lens is the Nikkor 18-200mm lens. Its not that its the best piece of glass around but it is an overall fantastic wide range lens. In this dust bowl I live in and the conditions I usually take pictures in if you have to switch a lens out or take time to frame a shot including adjusting settings you have completely missed that shot. You may get a better picture than me but it wont be the picture I got.

Now I really wish the video cameras I had on my balloon when I fly could take that size of a picture.
When I clip out a shot from one of them it has so little information it cant be cropped of blown up.. they are still nice but very limited.

Here are some I clipped from the GoPros and Kodak 360 and then a few from the D7100. Oh, and a heads up at the end.

GoPro. Up and over the mass of Class below. Winds went from West,South,North,slight East,West.

 GoPro.. KKisses Of Fire overhead.

GoPro..View-back to the launch area. Nice Experimental wrap for In Czech. My design.

 Go Pro.. Parallel tracking KKisses.

GoPro.. Down, Crown out. Nice and clean bit of dirt to protect the envelope. 

 GoPro.. Rory and Hannah work the straps to bind the envelope so it does not capture air. It loves to do that.
 The last two are crops of the full frame. Not bad for GoPro clips.

Kodak 360.. Lovely point of view and somewhat crop-able. I need to test how far this can be enlarged on print.

Kodak 360.. Another point of view for Hannah thinking and all the rest of us looking on.

The 360 is a lot of fun. I have a 10.5 fisheye Nikkor lens for the DSLR and it also take wonderful shots. If the GoPros and Kodak 360 all had a 24 megpixel sensor.. wow.. that would be amazing!

Overall it was a stunning day of flying. So much air to play with and a wide range of directions until the end. 46 minutes of flying. A couple of landings. Some obstacle avoidance and some ground adjustments to see how hard it was to keep the balloon up in wind and not take off again ( very hard in In Czech. She either wants to be so soft she turns into a sail or tight enough that your off the ground again ). I found myself wanting to stay in the grid of Unser, Southern, Off road motorcycle track and the 7/11. Go figure. Plus I wanted a nice place to lay In Czech and it was getting breezy at the end.

Fantastic group of people came out to get us in the air and down on the ground and no one wanted to go fly!?!??!! Poor Chris had to be the ballast that day.  But he got a relaxing flight instead of a white knuckle one. Should have taken Nick up too. Next time we will get Highperactive out and see if we can do some serious descents and ascents.Raise the blood pressure a bit.

And as to the heads-up.... When you are charging all your cameras remember to check ALL your cameras. I forgot to check my D7100 and guess what failed half way into the flight. Yes... Uh-Duh... no battery. Only 68 shots fired. What the hell! That has never happened before.

Now I have to see about doing things around the house..... things!

If you have not come out to watch or crew.... come out!!! My contact info is here... contact me. You might even get a flight the first time you show up. That would be amazing!