Sunday, April 17, 2016

Downloadable Content, Fallout 4, Ballooning?

Let's start out with the interesting things and devolve into the insanity.

No ballooning at all due to waiting for my fan and now sensor and instruments and radios to be returned. Hopefully this Saturday I can get it all back and get my kit ready for the NEXT weekend and fly. Its been sad to not be able to get in the air but I am sorely tired of tracking stuff down and then having it taken again and having to ... nevermind.. just real tired of it.

Went to part of a scoring training session on Saturday... It was good for those who have never scored but it was redundant for most of the people in the room. Glad I didnt have to sit through it all.  No that I was planning on scoring but I might go out for a day and take some pictures to see what comes out.

A few shots to remind me of what ballooning consists of....

 On a cool but beautifully bright day in Angel Fire. I noticed in this shot that two of my lines are hanging over my burners. I expect this was a while after the envelope laid down or I wouldn't have let them rest there.

Kodak 360 video camera. Love this camera. Cant wait till they can get there solution better for cropping. Very compact and easy to use. Nifty raw take from it... which you will see below.

Woah! Dudes in a weird looking balloon.. Heh. THis is a slightly cropped full view. It shoots straight up and you can post process for either full 360 or half 360 or quads or split or deduct.. lots of different things but mostly you have to remember its going to take twice the time it took to process it. Just the way it is.

This is background wallpaper for my Samsung note 4. Its pretty neat too.. though if I wanted to I could modify it pretty much to change anything.. but I am far too lazy to do that.

Maybe soon... soonish.

Now.. or quickly we are going into Fallout 4 talk.. so you can stop reading now and carry on with your already scheduled viewing or reading.

Work has been a massive amount of budget processing and reconstruction of excel sheets and data. Not interesting to most people but interesting to me. Really strange. Tempted to break everything down to base sections and chase every purchase directly to it instead of a mish mosh of every different pocket of monies. Exciting huh! Other than that it has been most interesting talking to an old friend and enjoying the conversation. It's been great chatting. Next week... stay tuned.. more budget documents!! Woo Hoo!

Okay.. Fallout 4. Another DLC dropped on the 14th. I didnt see it till around 9pm. No time to play with it except for a quick look see at what cool things... like 1/4 width cement walls... 1/2 walls... posts!! More cement and steel forms instead of wood wood wood.. which is hard to find or buy. So below I will post some of my screen shots with explanations of what you are looking at. Lots of fun constructing..

 One of the cool items.. Neon lettering in different colors... and new lighting choices... This area is prepped for the transfer station to the Institute. Wished there were colored lighting instead of all white... Hmmm.. Had a thought....

Hangman Alley.. one of the suckier places to try and place a settlement.. Three alleys to seal off and until I got the cement posts It was impossible to close off this alley. Now.. sealed perfectly.. It did take a lot of time to configure it though... Its awesome.

Another late settlement. Jamaica Plain. Too hard to construct to withstand an attack until the new DLC items. Cement 1/4 walls and 1/4 walls with mesh screening to see though. It was still a Mother Sister to get it to fit and lock but it did at last.Oh.. Also there is now a water pumping station that you can build on land... or dirt. Fantastic.

When you have enough water filter plants that you can build up a massive amount of water.. which can be sold for those items like crystal and circuit boards and armor.... The cycle of sellers is about two days... Settlements about that time too... Lot of time farming but its worth it to be able to build whatever you want whenever you need it.

Not unlike Chinese Emperors I am building a Terra Cotta army.. Okay a Armored Army.. woooo Need to fix the rows but I will get it done when I have more sets of Armor!

Now you can build traps to trap anything.. including dogs.. though you can catch bad dogs.. radiation freaked dogs... or ferals and you have to get them out before other like creatures will come and attack. Fun huh!

Decontamination arch.. Yay.... The one thing I had to use chems to deal with now.... you can set this up.. power it and press a button... ta daaa.. no more rads.

And here is ADA posing right in front of me when I was trying to take a shot of my X armor and sign.. yeah.. nice! Yes.. I screwed up the colors.... Dag nabbit.. Though I can go back and change it easily enough.

Loads of running around.. buying things.. building things...  More shots below of various things...

I have been though this area so many times and found these guys in a upper room.. so weird.

Looking South at Jamaica Point Settlement.

Perfect exclamation point in Sanctuary.

I need a bus.. I NEED a BUS NOW!!!!  Okay.. you can drop two busses and I think a truck.

A street light to tell your settlers its time to take off for the night. I couldn't find it until just now... stupid silly place to put a light.. in cages!

OKay.. I have to run off.. All this time watching the baby and I just got back to this. LOL.. I have no problems with that.. she was a wet noodle sleeping for a long time in my arms.. Then she wanted to see what I was doing on the computer.. she is very aware of the screen... Now she snoring again so I am going to finish this off quickly. More "Stuff" next week! WOAH!