Sunday, February 21, 2016

Weekenders..Or, When you need that Monday holiday.

Had a fantastic Saturday with my daughters baby shower and all the friends who came over to visit and check the baby out. We had an open house type of "come by and visit" and have some munchies and soda.. then I would accost anyone I could to show they Fallout 4! I think I pretty much drove everyone to distraction!!

I did spend some time this morning editing some shots to mostly remove dust specks and adjust the horizon. A little lightening up and some correction to the colors... Since I have to get some shots together for the Ballooning Magazine I edit I figured it was a good time to get some shots ready for that too.

Above banner is a very nice Aerostar basket lofting into the air. Look at that wicker and leather bottom.. Very nice! If you are wondering what the white tie wraps are for ... well.. they are ( probably ) attachments for a water and doc holder on the left and drop line on the right... I can't be sure exactly because everyone does different things in their baskets. I use leather straps in my basket. Its all choice. No effect on the flight characteristics of flight.. hahahaha

Some selected shots from last Sunday that I re ran through are found just below.

Enchanted Diamonds in the 10.5 lens. This lens capture is very novel. Never a dull moment when you take it away from your eye and play with angle and level. The below shot came out perfect.

more standard shots with the 18 to 200mm lens. I love this lens as it is very versatile and has such a large span. Never want to change a lens in the desert. Too many bits of dust in the air out here.






Friends and Lovers has the support of many sponsors. They are amazing in their generosity.

I have many more shots .. okay a few more with descriptions.

Are we ready? Sundays winds turned off pretty much so there was time to sit and settle things before launching. Not sure whose luggage to the left not making the flight though.

Do you have the truck keys? People need to know.

Get out of the fast lane! And also .. use your blinkers!!!

It was a good time and I have much more to play with. One fun thing about the D7100 I am shooting with is that I can crop the heck out of a picture and still have something large enough to blow up. No.. none of these are cropped.

Some of the websites that were of interest today are listed next... trying to get some content in there.

T-shirts that are very interesting and kookie. For a good friend that put up with my F4 insanity and ramblings.

High winds are nasty. Straight line winds can be seriously damaging.. as bad as a tornado at times.

Samsung.. Naaaa.. my Note 4 is still running fine.. but I do like the edge lighting up as a notification.

Black Knight!! Black Knight!!! woooooo......

OKay.. Enough of that...


Now that I am far enough along that I do not have to worry about "things that want to kill you" most times its a good thing... So running around and updating settlements and rescuing said settlers from themselves.... I did go and create a new settlement at GReygarden. It was a pain in the butt and used two thirds of my wood to ring the area and build up the back wall enough to not be overshot. It worked out. I didn't get any shots of it yet. Still only have three settlers and six robots. Oh well. Here are some screen shots.

Dress code at Spectacle Island is Miner Helmets... I love how they are all wandering around all the time at night.

Seven sets of red armor... Some Mad Cats and some basic flames.. done!

Seven sets of White armor... All different options on them from updated HUD to scrubbers.

So far the Cube is looking very  secure... I Think I will start on blue armor and bronze.

THe Slog. Two large scale water purifiers stuck in there. Nice overlook housing for the locals. THey even have lighted umbrellas to hang out under.

The Dead Zone in the Outpost. THe program keeps popping raiders into the middle of of this settlement so I ringed it in gun turrets. Its a slaughter.

Oh.. just when you think you have everything you turn around and have cows on your walls.

At last I stood back enough to capture the gun turrets spitting something like a bug on a board. Ouchie!

I think this is Nord Beach but I forget.. New modded entry with roof over entry with turrets along.

BAckside of Abernathy Farmstead. Re done for better coverage with the turrets plus longer area of fire.

Ahhhh so much fun......

More to come.