Sunday, June 11, 2017

Special Times

What are the special times? Did they pass you by? 
Did you even recognize them as they were around you?

We have a wonderful little Granddaughter who is a lot like every 16 month old you will see but she also has a lot of not normal behavior. She is quiet and polite and her expressions and grasp of what is going on around her is completely amazing. 

I could sit and watch her 24/7/365 if just to not miss the next item she finds interesting or see how she reacts to the world. It would be well spent time. But that would be impossible and probably very strange in the end. I expect being apart from her will allow her to change and surprise us more though I will hate it every moment. 

She is the cutest little model too. She will take direction or just ad lib it but you get a great shot every time and she knows what the camera is since its been in her face since she was born.

This weekend was interesting. Between going out to AAAA rally in the Rio Rancho Desert and watching the balloons take off but staying on the ground.. getting family pictures and many pictures of Emily in her bounding around the area.... it was a good day... Then we were off to the ZOO on Sunday to see the animals but timing was bad and most were sleeping or hiding from the massive heat we got in. All of us were done and cooked good by the time we left.  Pictures of that adventure next week if they turn out.

Here are a few hot shots from Saturday.

Stacked up in a line to cold inflate. Space is premium where its nice. Weeds are no fun. There should be an etiquette pamphlet for balloonists.

It was a dusty hot day so a lot of atmospheric diffusion out there.

Winds were weird but flyable. Targets were out there to the leftish... there was a box in there too.

Sister to my Kennedy 90000. This is Woosh or now Kkisses and a 77000. Love that Check pattern.
 That's Ted up there.

Smart Vent in a Racer. You want the air out of your envelope... that will do it fast. Thanks Mark.

A 65000 Balloon owned by a great guy. She is now his back up as he bought a 90000 Fantasy envelope with a Kubi bottom end..Very Nice.

Matthew shows us how to rotate as he ascends... yes.. you can get sick easily from it. But its fun!

Kicking it in high gear is what is happening here. Super big ball of fire.

I was using my Nikon D300 with the 10.5 lens on it. its only 12 MPix but that lens is sweet for special shots like the one above. I lost my cap sometime in the past two weeks so I had to order a replacement. Its very necessary as this lens is quite unlike normal lenses and the price of it has gone up considerably since I bought mine. I just need a Nikon D7100 to put it on instead.

I was just talking to a very good friend and it is so much fun to shoot these good people flying about or cutting up .. its very easy to catch that great shot because they make it easy. The things they do.... 

La Familia.... 

You know every group of people have some bad apples .. and yes even with balloonists there are some real sour ones... but for the most part those that stick around are the ones that you want to have next to you. They teach you... share the fun and the pain at times and always are there to help out or are wonderful to help out. La Familia works in stating this group of HAB people. Rings of friends of friends and friends and Framily.

Oh.. So when I flew last weekend I gouged out a good six inches of my kick leather.. that is the leather at the bottom edge of the basket to protect the basket itself from damage.. it got damaged pretty good. I glued it yesterday to see if I could get it repaired... it kinda did. But there is a gap between the two edges that isn't filled in and I think its just going to get caught again and ripped off. Its okay now and I am going to rotate the basket so its at the back but I will have to get a replacement kick leather side to get it fixed right. 
The awesome bottom of my basket. 


Now to get on getting on. Things to do and paperwork to get processed and another week ( short ) to get ready for.

Next weekend is the Angel Fire rally . Three days of flying in a beautiful green valley at 7200 feet. 

Picture city baby!

Oh.. Balloonist etiquette..

Add your own..

1. When you arrive at a launch site and there are balloon vehicles there already. Respect their lay out space and do not interfere unless you talk to that Pilot.

2. Be respectful of whomever you lay out next to. 

3. Crew should always help the Pilot see what he might have missed. Its very easy to do so.

4. Tail gating should always be in a circle large enough for all to get in and around. 

5. If you crewed for a balloon team and need a drink of water or soda, my cooler is always open to you. Same goes for the food on the table. 

6. Be respectful of briefers and the Pilots during rally briefs so they can be heard and hear the important information being passed out.
