Extra large tonight. The mornings are always something worth getting up for here. Unless it raining and then it would be good then too... as long as I was in under cover.. maybe a cup of coffee in hand.
Watched and lent a hand while two balloons inflated. The winds were so squirrelly that they laid out almost top to top and both had easy inflations. Other than a fuel problem in a fan it was all go. All UP!
There were other balloons out and they seemed to be file too. Maybe saw a little envelope backing on one but they were training so who knows... still worked fine and looked easy. So many shots to choose from that its difficult.
Had a GoPro hanging out to get the inflation and made a nice little shot fast video up. I will tag that now.... Reminder.. if you fool around in front of the lens.. I will use it... Unless its a butt shot. HAH!
Not too bad...
Chopper overhead waves as we set up..
Close flyby and fun view of a balloon without a skirt or scoop.
Soft flames on the Zone Five burners.
Tops Out! Spring top Aerostars when they are deflating pull little butterfly springs to open up the top. More on that later.
Grass landings.. Black Magic Woman glides in. GRass was very wet and there was a tarp used and the tarp got wet... real wet.
I took a ton of pictures of equipment connections, burners, links, ropes and wicker. I will put them up later and add explanations to it all. Each And every balloon manufacturer had their own best idea of a system setup and safety.
Here area few I posted to facebook... and others...
Three in a row working it out.
Slow on the ground, 100 feet up faster, 200 real fast, 600 all westish.
Laying out on a tarp to protect it from the wet green grass.
Who says you can get a balloon to go the way you want it to.. Sure you can!
A fast top. Squeezes the crown to the center and makes it easier to bring down. Ropes.. ropes everywhere!
Yeah.. so many great shots and ten here fill it up quickly.... Hope you enjoyed them... more to follow with more instruction on how balloons are put together and detailed informations. YAY!
Alright..facebook banner for the night... We are 10 days away from double digits!
Kick leather!
Another salfshadow.
Yup.. fun but way tired now. Tomorrow is going to be a bit rough. I have to get propane. I wanted to put the tanks in my truck and zip on down but now I have to take the whole trailer sometime tomorrow and get it done. Sigh.