Saturday, June 6, 2015

Arks of fabrics

Invited to join the crazy people semi inflating the Ack balloon ARKY and get it inspected. You have to understand one main thing about special shape balloons... THEY ARE HUGE and HEAVY! They are beautiful and tall and wide and have appendages and things hanging off of them here and there and everywhere but that just make for an octopus of fabric trying to grab you as you try and put it together and then take it down. Removing air from every animal or thing... its insane.

So this envelope is so large that the bag for it could fit a mini cooper with space for a pile of pillows. Very heavy pillows. A very heavy mini cooper. A group of very enthusiastic people get out there.. lay out a massive tarp then roll this thing out, attach it to a basket and attach that basket to a vehicle then inflate it.... Here is the fun part....

I got to get inside while she was being checked out and take all sorts of pictures... once in a blue moon opportunity! She may not be here ever again for me to do what I got to do today and I thank those who allowed me to do so... THANKS!! I took a lot of shots and got some great and strange pictures. What I didn't get was any 360 degree video. That camera decided to reset itself into photo mode and I got nothing usable. Thank my foresight to set up a GoPro outside covering the whole area and capturing all the inflation and deflation. It will have to do I expect.

Only a few shots here right now. Once I have time to sort through and weed out the so so stuff I will post more... later...

Massive storage area.... empty

Bones of the Ark.

Baffles baffles everywhere... Its very impressive.

Throat out.

Watching over you.

Just like a regular ship.. on its side for careening.

Just a few.. only a few.

The Stagecoach was also getting a check on field. Thats another beastie to wrangle. THere was limited time on the field due to some other thing.... The Ark decided to check off field and we did run over by 40 minutes I think.

Video capture I have yet to mess with at all other than to look it over. It should be a hoot sped up.

I took quite a few shots of pieces and parts of the system ( Aerostar ) since its novel how different things are put together and my first balloon was an Aerostar. THe bottom end is the same... My Aerostar was only a 77,000 Cfoot balloon.. tiny compared.

Each of those animal heads has velcro openings so that you can get the air out of them quickly. Kinda quickly. I will post shots of those tomorrow I expect. I could just blast you with fifty shots but that would suck.

So.. for today.. I give you Arky.... A quick viewing. Very quick.

My facebook banner today is of a few animals I liked... Panda being one.

I believe its a panda.

We didnt stand it up so the burners were not attached though I believe they were Zone Fives.. hefty burner but necessary on this envelope.

Its great times to site below this balloon when she is inflated. It blocks out so much sky.

Well thats about it for tonight.. down and dirty.