Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Close ups

Nothing like 24 megapixels to allow you to crop and adjust your framing... or just zoom in on the funny things going on. I mean you can always reset your shot but this allows for less loss of clarity. Not that I do it a lot but there are times.. which you will see below.

Not everything is about balloons... Almost everything...hahahaha ha.... Fuzzy little flowers outside of the Visitors Center in Angel Fire. Going through the shots today I can see where I missed the opportunity to take a lot of pictures of the other things in town. I cant believe I did that... or can I.... Its not like there was a lot of time between things going on.. but I ... well I guess I could walk around with the camera at eye level all the time or enjoy the time there... which I did. Even waling up so many damn hills!

So a few closer views.. Cropped and adjusted...

Laying there.
 This crop was well worth it. Even though its very soft because the focal lock was on the envelope itself its a great shot in my mind. Envelope down far in the trees, people wandering up to help or get closer, rusty outbuildings closer with a fantastic old car in the corner.. cant beat that most days.

I have a crick!
 It can be beat by a funny guy hanging out the side of his basket and just being generally silly. I believe.. I could be wrong but I believe he was looking to see the envelopes kiss. There was a lot of that and he sure did get around.

Baskets in a field.
Another .. you just can't believe how much fun people can have in the early morning..in a field... sitting in a basket. Hilarious. This shot is a fav.. All up front are smiling... in back its a hay.. what the heck... and farther back in the bed of that truck is a ... well! get back up in the air..!!! I have pictures to take.

At one point while the three of us were lined up my son said something like.. I need to get all three of us in a shot.. kinda hard to do from within one basket at about 200 feet.. It was funny .. he caught himself... duh.... Funny guy..

I did get my drive recovered. Oh but that is just the first step in a long road.. because so many files are sitting out of order or location. I have no idea what to do from here right at the moment. I have to find another drive to transfer the specific files that I know should be there. Ugh! Well I should be happy since I did recover those files. I now have to get the other crap done. TOshiba is sending me another drive to replace this one.. Not nice that they charged me for it first and are going to refund the charge AFTER they verify its not damaged by me... no.. it just stopped working.... its now totally unstable... I wouldnt trust and files to it now.

Oh.. and a real crappy day... not as crappy as some peoples but crappy non the less.

Facebook banner and logo for the day....

Go Pros burners and balloons.

Raven much closer...
I didn't use the original file to zoom in so it got a little fuzzy... if I decide to go closer tomorrow I will use the clean file...

Going away now.