Monday, June 22, 2015

Backup Nightmares!

A real nightmare! Here I go plugging in my JPG hard drive late last night to look over the videos and pictures from Angel Fire and other stuff and it goes... Please format drive!!!! What!!!! What!!!!!!! That cant be right! Well it was right.. my drive decided to pack it in just because. Oh Oh!

So after a bad night I looked up some recovery software and its processing. It looks like my brain was working while I was not looking and all the videos and pictures from Angel Fire were stored off on another drive just in case. What did or may have died and may be recoverable were back ups. Fingers crossed.  I was just a month behind on my backing up. Wha!!!!!!

Nothing good to say about the commutes today. One thing on the way home.. 107 degrees!!! I did not move to Phoenix! I would appreciate it staying around 80 degrees thanks.. I am partial to 72 but I understand a little giddiness in the temps now and then. I need to speak to someone about touching the thermostat.

I posted only five select pictures to facebook tonight. I want to get the 360 video for Saturday processing so I can work with it. It takes as long to process it into pano form as it takes to take it so I expect to be doing that for the remainder of the night.

Here are a few others...

The field was pretty wet in places so you will see tarps laid out. I found a nice high spot so was safe. I will be getting one soon as they are very handy at times..even for covering bushes. Oh...Looking North.

Looking South and down. They look all cuddly down there.

Smiling faces were everywhere.

Down and around.... I dont know why we were up almost second both days. Weird.

THere are a massive amount of fantastic photographers out there and we buried facebook in pictures last night and today. Lots of videos will be showing up soon too.  It is great to see my own balloon in so many shots. Yay me! Sorry but I have few great shots of my own balloon and this weekend my friends went into fantastic mode and got studio shots. WOnderful!

Facebook banner are two of my crew... Father and Daughter... rockin the throat handling.

And my logo.. the goofy and very haughty Raven that buzzed us while up at the top of the mountain.
All snarky and such.

Off I go to do that video... cheers!