Sunday, October 23, 2016

Can I have another day please?

Yeah.. I probably wont get anything accomplished still but it would be nice...

                       ....... Okay.. How bout some more hours.... a few minutes? Stubborn arn't ya. Fooey!

Well the last week was a week... Nothing major in the works there. More delays and waiting but that isn't unusual.

I did get to fly my Lindstrand racer Patturns Highperactive... it was nice. Very mild day below 500 feet... a bit quicker up there..North at around 15 but we didn't get into it. We played around and spun around and just goofed off. Getting the feel of the racer after flying the 90,000 balloon was novel. Venting too much and burning too much. Nothing I couldn't deal with but it was funny that I was over flying.

I would show you pictures of the day but I ( for the first time ever ) forgot my cameras. Oh I remembered the video cams but not the DSLR. All I have is a few I took with my phone and some clips off the video cameras... I will post those directly below this...

Kodak 360 snips.. Up and out quickly.. at around 450 feet per minute so as not to bump anyone else.

Parked in the road to talk to some kids from the house nearby.

Laid over and packing up while the new and greatly improved Kubi KKisses Of Fire goes overhead.

PH is seriously heavier than the 90. Super strong diamond weave and the baffle and all make for a tough squeeze and pack away. The new instruments were much easier to read than I thought they would be and I hope to have a case for them soon.

Here are a few shots clipped form the GOPro's.

Eric come visiting....

KKISSES and PUFF below with another brand new envelope Plum Fired Up.

Alan looking back and wondering when they will get off the ground.... hurry up guys.

Off the go and here we are spinning around burning time and staying in one place.

It was fun. Need go find more crew to come out and get some people in the air. My son thought we should make business cards up with out email address up so we can hand them out to people interested in crewing and flying. Its a good idea.

Now if I have time this week I need to break the bottom end down and clean it up .. if I cant get to it this week I will get to it this weekend as Mo wants to fly and I need batter shots of the envelope from the right angles to draw a pin mock up for it.

Speaking of pin mock ups... I finished Patturns In Czech last night only to find a glaring but easily missed error in the pin. Fixing that this morning and emailing to my friend to send off.. fingers crossed they can get that much detail down to 1 1/4 size. if not it will have to be larger... Or I will have to adjust the design...  Blah.

I am working on a set for all four envelopes. They will all have the round design but each will have its own type iconic ... Logo.... I guess... Patturns Highperactive has fast heartbeats because its Highperactive.. and In Czech will have straight jackets open and closed for being in check.. get it... Yeah.. the friend who thought that up was seriously in touch with the mode. MOJO I am still thinking on what that logo should be.. Its a toughy... Then lastly we will get back to Kiss A Hoy and I have no clue on that but we will get there.

So now you know whats been going on in Albuquerque... Here are the links to the latest videos I processed...


Both were much fun.

More this next weekend..