Tuesday, January 7, 2014


After yesterdays loss of my whole blog due to the inability of a program to save and undo I have returned to writing in a place it can be sure to back up. Pretty dumb. I am not going to pay again for a product that has that kind of kink in its process.

Tuesday was a quiet day. Got a lot of side projects done. Filed a heck of a lot of stuff too. I don't know about other gov't workers but I like to keep busy so I will find things to do if I have to wait for anything. I really like my scanner on my desk. I scan and scan. I am trying to get everything locked down electronically so I can dump the old files that I do not have to have a hard copy on. I still have a long ways to go. I had to stop for a while because I was changing computers and the process would have to be merged if I kept up. I am going to do more on the new frame tomorrow.

I keep making lists. I was trying to work at three things a day at the house. Not as a resolution as I started it up in November but it has been going on. I have run out of most things I can do indoors while its so cold outside. I have some still going plus some to finish. This is anything from dishes to washing cloths to cleaning a wall or sorting a box.. whatever will clear up or clean up a spot. I am into the clearing thing big time. I want to remove all the clutter. I did a good job in my office.  I am going to think about my list tonight and see if I can peck the parts down to smaller pieces so it is easier and displays what has been done to encourage more to be done. Huge checklist but it works.

I edited a few more shots from the ABO mission. I'll post those when I have enough done. Since it was a very stark shoot most everything is far too bland. The use of the refocusing and colorization helps save something out of the nothing. I did do some other things  to see what happened.. a slurry of them.

Chi Town Rotors.
 There are lots of windmills around to pump up water for the cattle. The hard thing is to get a shot that is novel and not just a windmill in an open field. So I got close and friendly.

 Da Blues.
 Central facing East. No color modifications. That is how the camera picked up the shade covers. I dont know why.

Dont Do It.
Crossroads in Mountainaire. Gotta find the interest.

 This is another windmill on the Springer to Clayton road. Again. Get close. Find what peaked my interest which was the post. Very weathered, Spiked and wrapped in barbed wire.

Sun Portal.
One of the many doorways in the Abo Mission. The globes are refraction off my lens. I do not use a hood on my lens because I like those things. I may have to go back and colorize the light on the ground ( negative shadow ).

Deepening subjects on the net tonight.

Nikon is coming out with another baby step cam. Nothing solid yet on its abilities. Unless it has the same abilities of my D300 with at least double the megapix I will pass thank you.

Taking pictures of abandoned places is great. Taking a hodgepodge of shots is a little like stretching for it. Someone need to give me a grant to go log all the lost places. Please?

I know some very good and professional officers. I also know there are bad apples in any organization. This might help with the bad ones but if they are going to abuse your rights its best to get to where there are other officers to witness. Be polite. If your breaking the law… so sad.

This was cool. Another fact I didn't know… What gets lost along the way in history. What isn't logged.

Nice that Texas is still using them. Yes.. limitations. Yes..old… Yes neat. Were we are about to go to luminous walkways ( imbedded phosphorous ) and glow strips that are recharged by the sun. We are about to lose that darkness. In some places this is just fine. But others……. We lose the night sky. I remember looking at the milky way ( sounds like a Navajo Way..The Milky Way ) when we lived in the country in England. You could lay on your back in the summer grass and just stare at it. Be illuminated by it.